22 May 2013

Wordless Wednesday: The Stories

I've worked in this building for many years, and I make my way to the fifth floor not infrequently. One day, waiting for the elevator to take me back to eight, this piece of upside-down tile jumped off the wall at me. Well, not literally - it's still cemented in place - but how had I never noticed its egregious misplacement? It's probably been like that for the whole century plus that the building's been standing. And it took me years to notice it.

Wherever you look, there are stories. If you listen, there are stories. It's why I do keep blogging, even though I have too much to do and not enough time to putter, skitter, whittle. It's because of the stories. They're everywhere and they need to be told.


  1. I find stories everywhere too, and yes, my blog encourages me to seek them and share them.

  2. I love this. I love that you find stories, and share them.

    I know I've found similar things, overlooked for a long time, and then suddenly so glaringly obvious to me. (Of course, I can't think of an example. Maybe I will later tonight as I'm just about to fall asleep.)

    (By the way, I just can't make that tile fit, even when I rotate it in my mind. I think it's a different pattern. Is it just the angle of the photo?)

  3. I love this. You're so right. Stories everywhere. I wish I knew this one.

  4. I'm glad you share them :-)

  5. Indeed. I love a good story. I encourage my kids to tell me stories about their day every day. It's how we connect.

  6. Sometimes I see things and I'm paying attention to what's there. Sometimes I see things and edit out what I don't want to see. Sometimes I see what someone else sees and I'm like - Wow! Thanks for seeing that.


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