08 February 2013

The 46¢ Snow Day

After dithering about this morning, paralyzed with indecision about whether or not to trek into the office, I decided to stay home. At 8:15, when I made the call, it was snowing - gently but steadily. Now, shortly after lunch, it's coming down at a good clip. Clogs were fine when I put the girl on the bus; when I go pick her up at a friend's house later, I'll need boots.

I'm shuffling papers, checking email, baking bread, thinking about a website, doing laundry, contemplating benchmarking, and enjoying the quiet. It feels like a gift, this day - though I'm working, I'm not at work. Caramel brownies are on the agenda, and a fire in the fireplace wouldn't be wrong.

Besides, it was a great mail day. Today's pile included a valentine, a poem in an envelope made from a magazine picture of a pork roast, no bills, and an oversized solicitation from the goddamned NRDC containing a return envelope with a 46¢ stamp.

Remember, people, open all those envelopes from the NRDC, because they might just be sending you a free stamp.

(PS: If you need the back story on why I'm so irritated at the NRDC, read these posts.)


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Saw the recipe yesterday, drooling since.

    Love Smitten Kitchen, thanks!

  2. Definitely making those and I know just who they will be for! Sounds like a great snow day.

  3. I was hoping for a photo of the envelope made from a magazine! That sounds intriguing. Very cool mail.

  4. Dear Magpie, At NRDC we have an excellent system for reducing postal or email to anyone who asks. Since you say you asked to receive only one appeal a year and yet you are still receiving mail then we must have missed your request for which I apologize. Please resend your request to my attention (Linda Lopez in the subject line) to membership@nrdc.org and I will be sure to code your record appropriately. If you prefer to call, our number is 212-727-2700 and ask for me or anyone in Membership and they'll be happy to help you. Thank you so much for your past support.Sincerely, Linda Lopez, Membership Director

  5. I guess you've blown it for the rest of us in the future to get a live stamp. Snap.


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