18 February 2013

Can't Go Home Again

I’m cleaning up my computer's “desktop”, filing all sorts of electronic detritus, the great morass of random, poorly named files, mostly pictures. And, as it's not possible to do otherwise, the task is filled with aimless archeology. It's not enough to move the pictures to a folder; one must ascertain just what these pictures are.

And my heart stopped when I found this. I didn't take it; the girl did. But it's my once-upon-a-time room, the room I grew up in, the bed, the fireplace. And she used a Hipstamatic filter so it looks all far away and underwater and old and, oh, memory.

It might as well have been taken 35 years ago.

How can it be that it's no longer there?


  1. That's so poignant....is that a fireplace in your room? So very cool.

  2. Those kind of dust in your eyes moments are a jolt.

    Interesting that she shot it.


  3. That would make one's heart stop. Yes indeedy.

  4. Amazing. My childhood room was equally magical and is my "happy place" I go to in my mind. Leaving it behind was one of the heartbreaks of adulthood. I love that your child got to see your room though.

  5. You are the only person who ever makes me wish I wasn't so neat and organized.

  6. Hugs to you...I can relate.

  7. Aw, Yeah, even though my mother still lives in my childhood home, my room - as it used to be - is gone. It's now storage and cat litter pans. A huge nasty mess of crap. Gone is the bunk bed, the floor-to-ceiling book shelf my dad painted. I had a chimney hump in my room but no fire place. Just a tall skinny radiator

  8. That is an amazing shot.

  9. Oh, places like that.

    I can't believe it. I can't believe they are all gone. I felt like a fire came through and burned my past away and that burned away a part of me. (It all happened in an ugly, terrible way though.)

    I can see its magic. What a good thing she did to take that.

  10. I like to think these places that are part of us still exist even when we can only visit them in our memories.

  11. I love this... especially that it's the view from the bed. As if dreaming.


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