17 January 2013


I have kind of lost my blogging mojo. Oh, there are lots of posts in draft, and lots of ideas rattling around in my skull, but the actual sitting down and applying quill pen to parchment? That's just not happening.

Whatev. I'll be here when I'm here.

But lest you think I'm not still paying attention to charitable giving, guess what I got in yesterday's mail? You got it! A direct mail piece from the NRDC! Yes, the second one this year! And we're only halfway through January!

Why yes, I do like poking things with sticks.


  1. Holy crap. This is bound to get interesting...

    (If you find your blogging mojo, let me know - maybe mine's hiding out with yours.)

  2. Ok, I need a cheat sheet. Must have missed your NRDC rant. Started looking but thought it would just be easier to ask! (Not that getting two pieces of direct mail in 17 days from an environmental organization isn't enough to start with, but figured maybe you had touched on this topic before?) BTW, main reason I stopped giving to Greenpeace decades ago. Pissed me off to no end. Started mailing all the junk mail I could fit into their postage to be paid by addressee envelopes when they wouldn't cease and desist!

  3. I hate it when I lose my blogging mojo. Glad you're able to be sanguine about it. Part of the reason why I've pretty much decided to give up on trying to monetize is so I can be more sanguine about it too - enh, it's not like I need to keep it profitable, it's only my creativity and engagement in life that's affected. Oh wait....

  4. Wait, what is bad about NRDC?

    I am curious.


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