27 January 2013

Guilt / Regret / Delight

I have to get over feeling guilty about:
  • cucumbers that have gone bad in the fridge
  • review copies of books that are so bad I can't finish them, much less write about them
  • that face-up penny I didn't pick up on Thursday because both hands were full and my bag was hanging off of my elbow

I have to get over my regret at:

  • having forgotten to write my name in Sharpie inside the closet of my room at my mother's house
  • failing to take the "baby girl" bassinet card when we went home from the hospital more than nine years ago
  • not seeing Peter and The Starcatcher on Broadway

I am, however, delighted about:

You? Name something that delights you.


  1. Having a toast rack. A special place just to put your toast! How great is that? I haven't used my toast rack for years, but cleaning the basement is making me appreciate the joys of having a special place made specifically for putting things.

  2. Peter and the Starcatcher delights me. You can see it when it moves Off B'way.

  3. YOU MADE ME LOOK AT BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN'S PUBIC HAIR! Actually, that's kind of delightful. Last night I ate haggis and smoked weed and giggled like an idiot in a hot tub.

  4. p.s. I found the most delightful thing of all was that my friend keeps her pot in a Benefibre container.

  5. Oh, I SO regret not putting our names or a time capsule or even a jar of coins inside the new walls when we added rooms to the downstairs. I was embarrassed to tell the contractor I wanted to do it! What a stupid reason!

    I am delighted about my bag of Cadbury mini eggs (the crispy shell kind, not the cream-middle kind). I am also delighted about the four pairs of "holiday" shoes (glitter, big jewels, etc.---she wears them daily) I bought Elizabeth today at 70% off.

  6. Delighted that I conquered Blogger today. And I agree with you about Moonrise Kingdom.

  7. sun sparkly snow, which I saw this aft while on a lovely ski tour with a friend.

  8. Oh, and Sandra Boynton's CD Rhinoceros Tap. Makes me smile in even the worst mood.

  9. Anonymous7:57 PM

    My blog. Years of reading and lusting after you brilliant writers...

    Love your musings.

  10. After clicking through to Moran's tweet and the link within, well, not much could top that delight! Hmmm! I think I'll click through again every day to keep the delight quotient appropriately high...

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I am delighted about life...learning to ignore the bad and focus on the good.

  12. this past weekend, spending time with friends old and new!

  13. Watching my children sledding down the hill together and playing Legos together (they have been so much better at playing together lately). Also reading the Smitten Kitchen cookbook.

  14. I moved a bookcase yesterday, and it changed the whole tenor of a room, which delights me...just knowing it'll be there when I get home from work.

  15. No matter how bad my day is, the sunset - which is never the same twice - delights me on my way home.

  16. Right this second, I'm delighted by this bowl of Ben & Jerry's ice cream I'm eating (Karmal Sutra).

  17. Night before last's full moon with tree shadows etched across the snow.

  18. Let's break into the house. You bring Pinkie. I'll bring the sharpies. (I'm not kidding.)

  19. That soon I'll be going away with my husband for the weekend sans kids, and staying at a great hotel. Bliss.

  20. Downton Abbey; I was surprised and delighted by the movie Nanny McPhee that I watched with the kids this weekend. Sunshine delights me and it shone for about a minute today! I really liked the guilty list though, I feel guilty, serious insomnia guilt, over the stupidest things. Rotting vegetables would definitely make the list.


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