21 December 2012

Great Mysteries of Blogdom

Sometimes - but not very often - I look at my blog stats, the ones that Blogger provides. You can't drill too deeply (or I don't know how), and sometimes the results are just weird and mysterious.

Here are the top 10 search keywords, as of the other day:

  • bruce the shark
  • monkey bread
  • cats in hats
  • mix and match ideas for school
  • need christmas certificates
  • reading log
  • azalea
  • boredom
  • underpants enema
  • apple clafouti julia child

At the same time, the post with the top number of hits was one titled IVF Shoes - about the shoes you buy as a treat for yourself while you're in the middle of your in vitro ferilization cycle. How those two things - those keywords and that top grossing post - are related is a mystery to me.

Also, "underpants enema"? WHY?


Jenn said...

Why not?? Okay - you're right. There is no good why. But Bruce the Shark? I just might have to go Google that myself...

Joybells said...

Ahahaha! My reaction to reading search terms that lead to my blog is to try to find my blog using those search terms. It rarely works, especially for the really weird ones.

That said, the really weird ones, like "underpants enema" or "bruce the shark" make great band names or record album titles. Or both.

alejna said...

I'm still stuck on "underpants enema." Huh?

I'm more likely to google "bruce the shark," though.

Why would someone google "boredom"? (Well, boredom, I suppose.) But how intriguing that someone found your site this way. I hope it helped them with their boredom problem.

At some point I started to compose a poem out of my stranger keyword search terms. It must be buried with so many others in my drafts folder.

Jocelyn said...

Well, you're way ahead of me, as I don't even know how to look at the search keywords people use.

All I know is that I first came here using the words "If I only had a heart. And monkey bread."