28 March 2012

Letters from Inanimate Objects

The campaign continues. However, the other dolls are now writing to me to ask for a sister doll.

Details to note:

  • The youngest doll is "tired of being new".
  • The dolls consider themselves to be my children.
  • A new doll would be a sister for them.
  • A new doll would be a new doll for my daughter.

But if they're my children, doesn't that make them my daughter's siblings? Does that mean I have four children? Why doesn't Ivy call me "Mom"? And how can a doll be both a doll and a sister?

This kid, she slays me.


the sandwich life said...

freaking brilliant.

Carol Steel said...

This is creative and clever. Is it working?

susan said...

A completely amazing campaign. I love it.

In our house, fwiw, I am the mother to the older cat, and CG is the cat's sister. She is the mother to the new kitten, and I am the kitten's sibling. Good thing she was available to explain that as I wouldn't have figured that out on my own.

Heide Estes said...

HA HA HA HA HA ! (Eloquent, I know. Best I can do at the moment.)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

She slays me, too.

Bibliomama said...

Oh my god, how wonderful. Are you sort of expecting the notes to take on an ever-more-menacing tone? "Dear Maggie: We were watching you sleep last night while caressing these paring knives; don't you think it would be a good idea to let Miranda get the new doll?"

Julia said...

Hah! Have you explained how expensive it will be to send all those children to college? And how much less time you'll have for her once there are so many kids in the house? And how stressed and cranky you might become from managing such a brood?

But seriously, stick to the "I'll be glad to take you to the store when you can afford to buy the doll" line. You might even offer to help her brainstorm ways to make money. With creativity like hers, she could make a mint if she set her mind to business.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Perhaps they are buttering you up -- better to be the mum than the grandmum?

Our American Girl Doll refers to me as Grandma when she talks to me, ChickieNob's face behind her plastic head. And the American Girl Doll HAS pointed out my grey hairs to prove this point.

YourFireAnt said...

If you get her the doll, she'll stop writing you those delightful notes.


Kizz said...

I really admire the one who campaigns not to be the newest. She's going places!

hs bff said...

obviously older than your other readers, I am thinking--wait until the teen years and the campaign for tatoos and piercings.

niobe said...

At first, I thought "love your kid" was a directive. But I guess it's a closing.

Though I love the idea suggested by a previous commenter of the eeevillle dolls. 'Cause, honestly, they kind of creep me out.

Mental P Mama said...

Okay. She has totally earned this doll. Totally.

painted maypole said...

i think she got the idea to call you mom part way into the first letter. love it.

And what doll doesn't want to be the "new" one? that's just crazy talk. everyone knows the youngest gets all the good stuff.

Kyla said...

So funny!! You definitely can't say that she is not giving this her all! LOL.

kathy a. said...

lots of effort. maybe next she'll start copying other handwriting, using different ink. ;)

an earlier poster noted this is only the prelude to the teen campaigns. hold your ground! (as to tats and extra piercings, we always said "sure, when you are 18 and pay for it yourself. but think about how you'll look at *my* age with that tattoo...")

MDTaz said...

A genius strategy and execution on her part. She slays me, too.

Starle said...

Hysterical! You've got a good one there!