10 February 2012

Spanish Spam Salad

I am confused. Why do you suppose it is that all of the spam in my blog email account is in Spanish?


Also, do you love how when you open the spam folder in gmail, there are ads for spam related products - like spam casseroles and ginger spam salad?

Right. I'm over-thinking it. Okay then.


Oonie said...

I don't get Spanish language spam, but I do laugh at the spam ads every time I'm in that folder. If you can't beat 'em...

Jody said...

All of my spam is Russian.

I've never received Spam-related email. Maybe I should blog recipes more often?

Bibliomama said...

I get Russian and Chinese. I try to let that make me feel like an international sensation.

Patois42 said...

I always get a smile out of the spam recipe ads.

antropologa said...

That's Portuguese!