11 January 2012

Serendipitous Musing

1) My husband texted me at 5:13pm. The cats had caught a mouse, which somehow ended up in the clean laundry. He discovered it as he was trying to put away his socks. The working theory is that the injured mouse took refuge in a sock, and there expired.


2) Some twenty minutes later, on my way home, I was walking through the underground labyrinth that is the Union Square subway station. There, at a small table with a manual typewriter, was a poet: “Name a price, pick a subject, get a poem!!”  I walked past, considered the mouse text, and returned. I paid, and shared the mouse text with her.


3) While I waited, she composed. While she composed, many people scurried by, someone stopped to admire her "cool typewriter, dude", a couple took her picture, and an unsanctioned opera singer filled the station with an a cappella aria.


And I swear, though I asked her if I could put her poem on my blog, I never told her its name. Thank you, Abigail Mott, for your impromptu eulogy to Tiny Mouse.


  1. Awesome!! I am glad that your mouse was recently deceased. We had a similar occurrence in our house, only it was a foul odor that alerted us to the situation. A large box of scrap fabric followed our loooong dead mouse on her journey to the landfill. It was the worst thing I have ever smelled.

  2. This is teh awesome!

  3. So glad you're supporting the arts this way!

  4. I love that the serendipitous musing resulted from the hapless mousing. (And I love the text, the poem, and the whole story.)

  5. funny how the universe works, I say.

    you say: yes


  6. So there IS money in poetry. Hmmm.

  7. That is the best thing ever! Frame that poem.

  8. how awesome is it to be able to commission a poem on your way home. sorry about the mouse tho, it sucks to find a mouse in your sock.

  9. Of all the days for me to skip the subway in favor of a walk! I would have loved to see that. What a fantastic story.

  10. Buskers (of all types). One of the reasons NYC is so awesome!

  11. Amusing musing from a muse!

    This manual typewriter bit reminds me of the BlogHer 2010 Art Gala reception where I got a musing from the Bloggess herself.


    I need to get a manual typewriter again!!

  12. I like that poem!

  13. Love it! What a story.

  14. That is fabulous. Every bit of it.

    (And the poem is surprisingly good.)

  15. It's post like these that make me wish I lived in NYC. The text in and of itself would have made an excellent blog post; but the poem? Priceless!

  16. My rodent issues run deep, so I'm still gulping a bit from the idea of a mouse falling out of the clean laundry.

    You kept me from vomiting and shaking in the corner, though, with the absolute coolness of stopping randomly and having such a poem cranked out. These are the moments that delight me most about the world.

  17. perfect. :) (and so glad our dead mouse was left at the bottom of the basement stairs, and not in a sock. blech)

  18. Best text. Best poem.

  19. Love it! The poem and the text.

    Moo stepped on a dead one once. It popped.


  20. I love that so much.

  21. Maybe one day I'll do this. I rather love the idea of it (the poet for hire part, not the dead mouse bit).

  22. Any ideas on how to get ahold of her?
    been walking thru union square and around st. mark's w/no luck.
    would love to get my poem.


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