14 November 2011


Ahead of me on the sidewalk
A locust sheds a pinnate spray, golden yellow.
It wafts downward,
Alighting on a young woman’s head.

Serendipitously bedecked, she crosses the street,
But the breeze from a passing taxi
Lifts her hair ornament away.

She never knew of her momentary panache,
But I did, and it made me smile.

Note: the locust herein is a TREE, genus: Gleditsia.


  1. Aw. I was going to say 'gesundheit', but then your post was all pretty and whimsical. Now it doesn't seem appropriate.

  2. I really like these verses.

    But if a locust shell ever fell on my head, I'd want you to flick it away IMMEDIATELY and then tell me ;)

  3. I agree with Rima on all counts.

  4. This is such a pretty image and made me smile too. But yes - my first interpretation of locust was the insect, too. I used to love harvesting those shells off of tree trunks!

  5. Lovely.

    Agree with Rima, though.


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