01 August 2011

Why, yes I am a bleeding heart liberal...

In little chocolate truffle bites, I've been reading the totally charming letters between Julia Child and Avis DeVoto. It's a perfect bedtime book - easy to put down when it's time to turn out the light.

But I stopped in my tracks the other night, at a quote that just seemed so completely, what, contemporary?

Except that I cannot regard the Republicans as people, somehow, only as monsters, foils, beasts and foul excrement.

I guess some things never change.


  1. PERFECT. I knew I loved her.

  2. Oh! I could roll her in butter and cinnamon sugar and just eat her right up!

  3. I suppose it's another reason why there's no future for me, working at my husband's office. They're all in the GOP.

    Back in the Reagan years, I bought my first car. It came with the tag 696-GOP. When I sold it, I let the tag go, and my husband could not believe it. I was equally stunned that he wanted to keep it. The car I drive now has a Greenways plate with a phoneticism of the word "Escapee."

  4. Oh, now. I'm a Democrat, but I can't say I wholeheartedly back either their works or their philosophies.

  5. I really want to read that. LOVED her biography...I don't much go in for that stuff but she just seemed like so much...fun!

  6. That's funny, because 'foul excrement' is what I think of when I see or hear Boehner or Cantor or McConnell or Bachmann or Palin or or or...

  7. LOL... I love her even more now!

  8. Oh Julia! I love her.

  9. She sure had a way with words!

  10. Just finished this book last month and loved it.
    And this post alone has made me bookmark your blog.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    and this is why I will no longer bookmark your blog. The only modern thing about it is the public nature of the remarks and how completely offensive so called "bleeding heart liberals" are willing to be about those that disagree. You and most of those that comment are the opposite of liberal. You are unwilling to consider those who may not identify with everything you believe as excrement or monsters. Maybe that is why our country is in such "wonderful shape" and is completely polarized.

  12. I've been savoring this book, too :-)

  13. That was my favorite quote in the book!

    And I was fascinated by Avis as much as Julia. She was really screwed by that awful Julia/Julie movie where she appears as nothing more than a bashful penpal, not the dynamo who really helped "Mastering" get published!


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