12 July 2011

Second Grade Poetry In My Heart

My heart is as happy as a cute cuddly kitten.
My heart is as angry as a stampede of buffalo.
My heart is as sad as when Slinky and YoYo died.
My heart is happy like a puppy.
My heart is angry like squawking geese.
My heart is sad like a rain storm.

(Yes, I'm still putting away the piles of school paperwork.)


  1. Right - thanks for the reminder.

    My heart is sometimes angry like squaking geses too.

  2. Out of the mouths of babes.

  3. My heart is singing like a whale.

    I wish my daughter could be so poetic. Whenever I suggest that she put a little more detail into things, she flips out and screams, "But that's too personal!"

    where did she come from?

  4. i still have to put away the school papers. YOu're ahead of me. ;) my favorite thing is when the journal comes home at the end of the year. it tends to be full of these gems.

  5. I have those swaking geses, too. This belongs in a frame, by the way. Brings tears to my eyes...the memories of these.

  6. I love the buffilow especially. Very apt!

  7. Oh my heart. This is precious.

  8. I love her poetry. It makes me happy as a cute cudly kitten.

    (I also love "angry like sqwaking geses." I may have to use that next time I am angry.)

  9. This stuff is awesome. Must keep. I'm finding my old "poetry" hilarious.

  10. my heart is happy like a puppy. *sigh*

  11. She's got a good grasp of metaphor, this girlie. She's on her way.


  12. I hate it when my heart is angry like Sqwaking geses.

    But I love it when my heart is happy like a puppy.

    i like this assignment. She seems like cool small people.

  13. My heart is thrilled to read "buffilow". Just as it sounds!


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