22 June 2011

Science: Energy

Monday was second grade poetry day. Today we have touchy-feely science:

I think energy is a system in your body. In your heart, you have a big ball of energy.

What is this? Since when is science about "I think..."? The question should be "What is energy"?

On the other hand, a big ball of energy in your heart? I kind of like that.


alejna said...

"A big ball of energy in your heart" is nicely poetic. But I have to say that I also find this unnerving as a science assignment...

De said...

I remember visiting the 2nd grade classroom last year, and everything in it had a sticky note that read: Matter.

I agree with you, but maybe the idea is to get the students to start hypothesizing? (Even so, i was taught to state my hypothesis with confidence!)

Kyla said...

Metaphorically-speaking, I do think there is a big ball of energy in our hearts! Scientifically-speaking, we should probably be discussing metabolism. ;)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm kind of wondering where they were going with this--maybe it was a way of seeing what the kids know/think before the lesson.

Antropóloga said...

Yeah, I hope they were just opening up the lesson with this. Otherwise encouraging uninformed opinions about scientific topics is worrisome!

Clever kid nonetheless!

Jodi Pharo said...

she's absolutely right -- sounds like you have a future yogi on your hands.

flutter said...

oooof. that just made the big ball of energy in my heart totally happy

abby said...

This is a great way to see what kids know about something before addressing it in class. It also allows students to make personal connections to concepts and have more of an interest in learning them.

Man, I wish I could get my older students to be this creative sometimes. Very fun.