07 June 2011

Books by Friends

It struck me the other day that I know a mess of people who've got actual books out, or about to be. So I thought I'd spread a little book love, just for the hell of it.

The first four are out now, the last two are coming - and if I did all the linking right, you can click the book images for ordering information.

Mel, the Stirrup Queen, wrote "Life From Scratch", a novel of blogging about food while working through some relationships. It's fun, and the kindle edition is on sale at Amazon for $2.99.

My mother-in-law is one of the editors of a book called "In The Words Of Women": letters, diaries, journals, pamphlets, poems, plays, depositions, and newspaper articles by American women in the late 18th century, before and after the Revolution.

My dear friend Julia has compiled a book of devotionals for that oft-difficult first year of motherhood, called "Daily Guideposts: Your First Year of Motherhood".

And Emily's essays about food and cooking and small people, "Cooking on the Edge of Insanity", is now available in print, as well as as an ebook.

Joanne, a/k/a Pundit Mom, has copies of her "Mothers of Intention: How Women & Social Media Are Revolutionizing Politics in America" in her hands, and you too will be able to get one very soon. Since it's a compilation of essays by 21st century women, it might be a good companion for the 18th century "In The Words Of Women".

Last but not least, the enigmatic Teresa has a book of poems coming out in September; you can preorder it by clicking on the image and scrolling until you find "Itching, itching".

Happy reading!

(And no, in case you were wondering, I wasn't paid to write this post - I just like all of these people.)


  1. You're the nicest book-pimp ever!

  2. Cool. But "Itching, itching"? It's not the worst title ever, but it's not good.

  3. I know, nicest book pimp ever and I owe you a fedora for this one. Thank you.

  4. Thank you! Just ordered Mel's book.

  5. Just in time for summer! Thanks!

  6. Itching, itching .. begs for a sequel named, Scratching, scratching.


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