07 December 2010


This kid? This kid is going to be a lawyer. She wrote the contract on the left a few days ago, when Daddy put her to bed without dessert (only because it was late, not out of some sort of punishment). She called him on it the next morning, you can be sure. I believe the scribble at the bottom is a drawing of a bowl of sorbet - which, incidentally, she spelled right while getting breakfast wrong.

The right hand contract was drawn up last night. I finally got a new phone - which is a long complicated story about MobileMe and obsolescence and my first generation iPhone that refused to even think about letting me have a calendar anymore - and the girl decided that she wanted my old one so she could play Plants vs. Zombies "because I just got two more plants, Mommy".

I did take a moment to point out to her that neither was a valid contract because of the lack of consideration - never to early to learn the basics of contract law, eh?  On the other hand, all she's asking for now is a discussion. If we get to the next step, we could agree that she could have the old phone (which will work like an iPod Touch because it's been deactivated) in return for

  • Cleaning up her room
  • Setting the table
  • Sleeping in her own bed
  • Eating vegetables


Pinky said...

I think I knew she'd be a lawyer by the time she was 18 months old!

Janet said...

that's a pretty good motivator :-)

Anonymous said...

sharp kid!

Amira said...

Well look at that!

I especially like the sleeping in her own bed part; I just might have to implement something like this for when Aiman is old enough.

bipolarlawyercook said...

I'm going to hell, because aside from howling at the fact that she spelled sorbet right, I'm looking at the second one and am all "She needs to learn that you can't bind someone to an intention in a contract, that "will discuss" simply isn't binding at all."

Yep. Almost a year and a half out of practice and I still can't stop nitpickin'.


susan said...

she never fails to delight!

What's your thinking on rewards for chores, btw? Not sure how serious you were at the end there...I've tended to construe chores as things we all need to do, and allowance or other reward is not tied to chores (which we are not very clear on assigning, but all pitch in to as they come up--depending on who's around, we manage to get dinner cooked and table set and then cleared without making any of those things one person's job). but as CG gets older I'm re-pondering how to think about allowance. Just wondering, in case you need something else to write about :).

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'd get her to sign some contracts now about future teenage behavior!

nonlineargirl said...

you drive a hard bargain

mayberry said...

That sounds like a win-win deal.

S said...

she's a clever girl!

Marinka said...

love the contracts. I overheard my daughter telling my son recently that 'contracts with minors are voidable at the minor's option.' hmmm...

the mama bird diaries said...

I think I sometimes misspell sorbet.

Kyla said...

I love it. KayTar has been making forms lately, they say "Form 1" or 2 or 2 or 35 on the top and then have lines and lines of wavy lines, her approximation of cursive writing. She'll misplace them and ask, "Has anyone seen my forms?" It makes me chuckle a little.

Life As I Know It said...

oh my gosh, those are awesome. I like the sorbet for breakfast...smart kid!