04 October 2010

Scenes from a Weekend, Part 1

I had a mess of errands to run on Saturday morning, and the kid had to come with me as her father was busy elsewhere. First stop was the doctor’s office, for lab work ordered by my doctor at my annual physical. The kid watched while I had a blood draw (and wondered when I would get my blood back), while I had an EKG (and helped take the stickers off), and while I peed into a cup (yes, she insisted on coming into the loo with me). Then I went to get a haircut, because it had been Way Too Long, and she curled up on the floor under the mirror and took decorated pictures of me with her DS. It’s kind of nice that she’s now old enough to be well-behaved and interested in my doings, rather than needing to be leashed and/or constantly entertained.

That night, she had a birthday party to go to – from 6 to 7:30. When the invitation arrived, I was who has a kid's birthday party on a Saturday night? As it happened though, W. and I made the best of it with a rack of lamb, herbed potatoes, buttered broccoli, wine, candles and the sterling flatware that we almost never use. And someone else drove her home from the gym. I guess the Saturday night birthday party isn’t such a bad idea – it’s like free babysitting! Well, but for the cost of a present…


  1. That Saturday night birthday party is actually an awesome idea--too bad it wasn't long enough for you to squeeze in a movie too!

  2. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Yes, interesting idea. We went to a Bounce Town (which is just what it sounds like) on Saturday morning, and several of us agreed that the activity would not tire them out for long enough and we ought to schedule these things closer to bedtime.

    Fiona is good about errands, happy just to be with me, but today Lorenzo cried and whined the whole time, even lamenting that it is Always Mommy Day, and it is well past time for it to be Lorenzo Day.

  3. Rack of lamb? Isnt that the one shaped like a circle wearing ankle socks? I tried cannelles today - put things in wrong order and had to throw it out.

  4. We got one of those party invites too! I evilly assumed the parents waited until the last minute to book the party. But you're right, it ended up being kind of nice.

  5. I think those parents are on to a brilliant idea. I don't even _have_ kids and can see the appeal of a few evening hours alone with my partner.

  6. I have yet to get an invitation for a party during those hours. What did they do? But, yeah, free babysitting and you can theoretically get a present for less than the cost of a babysitter for 1.5 hours.

  7. A nice Saturday evening for you...sounds wonderful.

  8. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Lamb! How lovely. ANd thanks for your note about J's THUNK.


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