08 June 2010

The Distribution of the Thousand Dimes

Remember how I asked you to vote on four charities, each of which would receive a share of $100 based on the percentage of votes received?

I wrote the checks:

Edna Hospital = $24

Partners In Health = $31

Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen = $33

Nothing But Nets = $12

And then I sent another check to the Henry Louis Granju Memorial Scholarship Fund, because Henry's story breaks my heart.


Janet said...

Thank you :-)

flutter said...

you are good, good people

kathy a. said...

i've spent quite a while reading about henry, and crying. he could have been my son. i mean that literally, because my brilliant sweet boy went off the rails as a teen, and we tried everything and then sent him away for treatment. he is still alive now, just turned 23, holding his own, and we get along well most days. our goal in the bad times was just to keep him alive to 18; we weren't sure if he'd ever speak to us again.

Stimey said...


painted maypole said...

you're a good, good person

(which is honestly what I planned to type, even before seeing Flutter's comment)

Harriet said...

I'm so glad. I just read about Henry's story today by way of a kid lit blog I read. Heartbreaking.

S said...

love you

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The entire thing is both terrifying and heartbreaking--it's sweet of you to help.

mayberry said...

That's lovely and I may have to steal your idea when I get to 1,000.

Anjali said...

You are aweseome.

Henry's story breaks my heart. He could be any of our kids.