12 April 2010

Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

I've never been to that Texas city pronounced "hugh-stun", the one that's spelled the same way as a street in my city pronounced "how-stun". The other day, I was confused when a lady asked me if the subway was going to "ho-stun". It wasn't until she showed me her hand-drawn map with a penciled "Houston" that I was able to tell her "no, you want the downtown train". I'd never imagined a third way to pronounce the word.


  1. Bwahahahaha! That's just so wrong.

  2. She's been listening to too much rap music.

  3. In Charlottesville (home of University of Virginia) there is a road called Rio Road. They pronounce it RYE-O. Which I cannot stand to hear or even think about it.

  4. As someone who has been a dumbass tourist in New York, I thank you for your discretion.

  5. Huh? I'd never imagine there was even a second way to pronounce it...

  6. My guess is she probably had heard of "SoHo" and perhaps knew that the name comes from Houston St.

    Come to think of it, shouldn't we pronounce that "Sow-How" of we're being consistent? Especially since "So" is for "South"?

  7. Maybe she meant Times Square? Oh, that's right. Giuliani took care of all the hookers there, didn't he? Ho-stun indeed.

  8. I live in HughStun. ;) Howston is just weird to me!

  9. Ahh, you've brought back memories. I went to high school right around "How-stun" Street.


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