27 February 2010


If I were Ilina, and if it were Friday, I'd invite you in for a cocktail.

As you may recall, one of the activities the child engaged in yesterday was the harvesting of icicles, which were duly stored in the freezer. When it came time, at day's end, for a cocktail, I stuck a couple of them in my scotch. Johnny-Walker-Black-on-the-icicles.

Now, the definition of "branch water" doesn't include icicles - but shouldn't it? After all, the icicle is somewhat branch-like in appearance.


Harriet said...

Absolutely! And also, love the glass.

Rima said...

I just love the phrase, "When it came time, at days end, for a cocktail"

Marinka said...

Oh, perfect. "On the rocks" is so tired.

Ilina said...

Fantastic! My sons have never seen an icicle. We try to explain it, but they can't grasp the concept. I wish you could ship me a couple. What a great way to see the silver lining in all that crummy weather! You are a genius.

modernemama said...

Icicle swizzle stick for me - genius. Have you any ideas for the 36" icicles that hang off our garage roof?

MDTaz said...

This is brilliant. We'll need polar bars where we can belly up and ask for a Johnny-on-ice, real ice. Love the practical use of nature's gifts, the exploration of branch water (who knew?) and an introduction to a fantastic little Friday blog that I have now fallen in love with. A small post with a lot of punch!

allison said...

THANK you! I've always meant to look that up, and never remembered.

Kelly said...

Is it too early to have one of those?

niobe said...

So, so amazingly clever. If only I had icicles. Or, for that matter, scotch.