16 December 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Incongruities

Why yes, there are wire ties and a popsicle stick holding the tree topper in place.

And yeah, there's a gin label on my wine bottle, just because I'm odd that way, or maybe it's wishful thinking, because (see above) there are wire ties on my Christmas tree.

I think I'm not winning any Martha Stewart awards this year.


  1. Our tree-topping star is pretty drunken sailor-ish. Maybe I should try the popsicle stick wire tie trick. And gin? Gin is good. There was an old man in my husband's family (not sure exactly what the connection was) who always said 'gin is like mother's milk to me'. Yeah.

  2. Shouldn't you title this not-so-wordless Wednesday?

    Our tree topper, when we are having a tree, is Arlo, the little greenpeace seal my uncle gave me years ago.

  3. But you will win a Rube Goldberg award! Way to rig the tree topper. :-)

  4. You conjured up the absolutely ridiculous memories of my parents ALWAYS bringing out fishing line to hold up our tree.

  5. Well, I, for one, am impressed.

  6. I have yet to meet a tree topper that did not require a bit of wire to stay erect.

    It's a lovely topper, by the way.

  7. But you do win the Hiding the Wine as Gin Award. Congratulations!

  8. Oh no there isn't!
    Is there?
    Oh, there is...


  9. That is a lovely tree topper, but I'm going to have to take an extra dose of OCD medicine tonight just from looking at the photo.

  10. But the gin label is so marvelous. Who cares what's in the bottle.

  11. It's okay...neither am I. LOL.

  12. I think you have impeccable taste.

    Just sayin'.

  13. you may not win any martha awards, but i think you're definitely in the running for the macguyver. :-) he loved wire and a couple of popcicle sticks. and maybe even gin, tho' i don't really recall...

  14. OK -- I'm actually seeing this as a Martha Stewart special -- "And look over here at her 'wire ties on her tree topper!' Isn't that a clever good thing?"

    I think you could definitely pull this one off.

  15. Ha ha! Love your resourcefulness.

  16. Hey at least the ties are holding your tree topper in place...the entire top of my tree is wired on, as I inadvertently snapped it off closing the tailgate on it bringing it home. : )


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