20 October 2009

Why do we get disturbing thoughts?

Why oh why did someone visit my blog early this morning using the search terms "review best pomegranate juice" and then, instead of leaving a comment on a post that’s two months old, send me a 532 word email about research done in Israel on the benefits of pomegranate juice?

What is it with Amanda Hesser and her twins? Just today, someone was looking for "'amanda hesser' twins preschool" – I hope they aren’t planning to stalk her, not that they would have found any information on my site. And it’s not the first time – according to Google Analytics, Amanda Hesser is one of the top ten searches that land on my blog.

Four of the top ten searches are for Lava Girl costumes. And I’m terribly sorry, but our Lava Girl costume doesn’t have anything to do with the Lavagirl character. Kid told me she wanted to be Lava Girl, and described the costume she wanted. She’d never seen Lavagirl, I’d never even heard of the character. But apparently, a lot of people want to be Lavagirl for Halloween.

Checking Sitemeter this morning, (because of the pomegranate email, I rarely bother unless I want to try and pinpoint a recent comment), I found that three of the 100 last visitors reached my blog because they were looking for information on the price of a colonoscopy, or how much insurance would pay. That’s sad, and speaks to the incredible lack of transparency in the health care industry.

And if you're wondering about the post title, it was another Google search. Go figure. Why do we get disturbing thoughts, anyway?


  1. We get disturbing thoughts because people are searching for strange things and finding you. I mostly get people who've typed in Dorothy Parker's famous line.

  2. I've no idea why we get disturbing thoughts; but considering how many things there are to worry about I'm just relieved that not ALL of my thoughts are disturbing.

  3. The two searches that most commonly land people on my blog are "pain under arm" (how does that possibly get to my blog?) and "nail polish and floor." Apparently a lot of people need to know how to get nail polish out of a tile floor (I did actualy write a post about this). Anyway, odd.

  4. I had a disturbing thought about google today: Why is Mylife.com asking me if I want to know who googled me? No I don't want to know. Well, maybe I do want to know, but I don't want to PAY. And more disturbing, would be if the people who I google, (ex-boyfriends) knew I was googling them!

  5. I think I'll take a gander at my Sitemeter after reading this!

    I don't know who Amanda Hester is...should I?

  6. I know there is a method to this google analytical madness, isn't there? When I saw you for lunch I can promise you the last thing I was thinking was "I wonder how much it would cost me to get a colonoscopy?"

  7. Why do we bloggers look at search terms that give us disturbing thoughts? (because we just can't help ourselves, argh).

  8. Wish I knew. I have many.

    We need the imagination in order to act in a future directed way. It runs away with us? One of those evolutionary backfires that makes human life barely tolerable--kidding! Sort of!

  9. I was right in the middle of typing a comment when the voices told me to burn things....they usually give me my disturbing thoughts

  10. disturbed people have disturbing thoughts.

    which makes us all disturbed, I guess.

    Hmmmm... that's a disturbing thought.

  11. Ayyy, those are some interesting searches, my friend. Perhaps we're all a bit disturbed!

  12. Were it not for disturbing thoughts, I'd have no thoughts at all.

  13. And this is why I do not have a sitemeter account on my blog. This kind of information would not be good for me.

  14. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be funny or not, but I find it hilarious. I think I'd love to know what people are googling and find my blog instead. But I don't know how.

    And now I'm really curious to know who Amanda Hesser is. I really want to google her.

  15. This cracked me up! But, I do try not to look at mine too often, because some of the searches really do give me disturbing thoughts.

  16. I was most insulted by someone getting to my blog with the search "saggy tits blog."



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