Canada geese are rather a scourge, but lordy lordy, the babies are cute. This baby's pretty cute too. She wanted to wear all dark colors to school: black tights, navy skirt, black camisole, navy sweater, black shoes - but we had a morning meltdown of epic proportion because the black camisole was in the laundry. Eventually, she consented to the orange tank top, tucked into the skirt and with the sweater buttoned over it. As you can see, by day's end, she'd gotten over it.
13 May 2009
Wardrobe Wednesday, with gratuitous cuteness
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
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She's such a beautiful girl...and she has a wicked sense of style. I can't wait for the teen years. LOL!
oh my, very cute all around!
i still remember the wardrobe skirmishes of ages 6-10 or so -- color issues, the need for a skirt, yadda. this was a major reason i supported uniforms at the school, because even sox were an issue -- they had to be thin, no seams, and sometimes they needed lace. oy.
The more gratuitous the cute, the better.
Oh, not morning fits over clothes! I can't imagine...she says, with tongue firmly implanted in cheek.
Please bring said child to Fairfield County for a bite. Thanks;)
a baby goose poop isn't nearly as large.
I've had to fight geese off with a stick when trying to feed the ducks.
I'm glad the tank eventually saw the light of day -- it's adorable.
My fashion plate recently learned about the concept of school uniforms. She was APPALLED.
Oh my godness, she's quite the little fashionista already, isn't she! Very cute, though!
your daughter, she kills me!
I dunno ... I'm 51 and I had a similar fashion meltdown this morning for the identical reason. Maybe some of us never outgrow it!
I saw a line of fluffy goslings the other day and was, despite my best intentions, charmed.
Did you deliberately post this photo here to counter (or balance) the one below, which is the converse?
Nice going.
One might say the same about Canadians in general. Thank heavens our babies are cute.
The wardrobe business is killing me these days. Now, each morning she has to set out her outfit and then try putting different socks with it until she finds just the right socks. She does it in a painstaking way, laying out the full outfit on the bed, unfurling each balled sock pair one by one, and placing the socks under the outfit such that they stick out just so... "Mmmmm, too cute," she'll say or "the wrong pink."
Soon, I may start bleeding from the eye balls.
And look at the metal on her neck! The girl is hardcore. Seriously, she is cooler at her young age than I have ever been in my entire life.
Oh, you're right! Double cute! (Though knowing one is going to grow into a pooping monster that makes our soccer fields so disgusting, makes it a teensy bit less cute...)
Every smart girl knows that a black camisole is a staple for any wardrobe.
Fashion crisis averted!
A scourge? Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I have such wonderful memories of seeing the geese line the farmland fields near my childhood home. They made such a gorgeous scene. And to this day I long for their sound in late fall, flying overhead.
I love the orange tank top! I can't really argue with her sense of style but man is it a pain when kids get really particular about clothes. Mine does too but about totally random things like he'll suddenly hate red or insist on wearing only long sleeve shirts even when it's 90 degrees out.
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