04 March 2009

Sometimes You Have to Pee In the Woods

I realized recently - upon reading Redneck Mommy's post about peeing by the side of the road - that I never shared my best Christmas present with you.

The wrapped box was handed to me with much hilarity by my sister and sister-in-law - they went in on the gift together, because it was apparently too much for one person to be responsible for. There was also a feeble attempt to get the small children out of the room, but as you can see, said attempt was unsuccessful. The child eyeing the gift, however, is fondling a Whoopie Cushion of his own - we do Christmas right.

I haven't yet tried it - though I probably should have broken it out during one of this winter's nice snowstorms - you know, to see if I could write my name in the snow - but I look forward to taking it on a fishing trip or something - though it's kind of large and might be hard to carry around - though maybe I could attach a carabiner to it and dangle it from my creel - I dare say it would amuse the hell out of my father and uncles.

It's gold plastic. It's longer than my forearm. It's the Shenis. What more could a girl want?


Mental P Mama said...

I actually want that. And it's shiny.

Mad said...

Shenis, shmeenis, look at you in the Santa hat!

You'll have to give us the full report come camping season.

alejna said...

Ha! That is too funny. I find it especially funny that it's gold colored. (Goldmember?)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I am oddly intrigued.

kathy a. said...

i would not be caught dead with that thing, even though i am widely and justifiably known for being a wuss about peeing in nature. which was probably the point.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I have heard that on the Mardi Gras floats the women use kitty litter. Neither of these options sounds good to me!

heidi said...

Now I can't wait til my birthday :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm picturing the look on the boy's face...

bizarre pretty much sums up the rest of my thoughts.

Awesome Mom said...

I think it would be less mess just to pee in the woods all on my own. I am quite good at it.

MARY G said...

Peeing in the woods is one thing in mosquito season; quite another when it is below Celsius zero and you are dressed in bib snowmobile pants under a jacket.
I got a similar kind of thing for the YD, only hers was cardboard. The classic occasion on which you hear "MO ther!"
Love the photo.

Mayberry said...

The look on your face is as golden as the shenis itself.

Gwen said...

Ooh, my kids could use that. They are the least competent outdoor pee-ers imaginable.

S said...


flutter said...

you just made Sarah pseudo-cuss!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a brilliant invention.

I love it that they call it 'the equalizer.' Man, there's a women's study dissertation there somewhere. Or at least a chapter of a dissertation.

I think that there might be some splashing. If someone was wonderful enough to buy it for me, though, I would DEFINITELY try it.

Woman in a Window said...

You mean, my cuffs might be spared! Wonderful technology!

Anonymous said...

Has Oprah seen this? This would TOTALLY make Oprah's list of Favorite Things.

Imagine how this might revolutionize Oprah and Gail's next road trip!

Kyla said...

That is awesome. Ha!

painted maypole said...

i really, truly, am laughing out loud

Janet said...

HAHAHAHA That is freaking hysterical!!!