13 February 2009

How to Turn A Bad Day Around

I got out of bed this morning in a thoroughly foul mood, angry, sad, pissed off, weepy.

Last week, the kindergarten teacher had sent a note home about Valentine's Day saying "you may send in 18 cards...". You MAY? It sure sounded like a command to me. So, because I'm cheap and the kid was disinterested, we used the free cards that came in the back of the High Five magazine, and it was like pulling teeth to get her to write her name on them. So part of the morning's malaise was feeling like a cross between a slacker mom and a curmudgeon.

But I got to the office and got a link for a free Marvin Gaye song from Amazon, and it perked me the fuck up.

Here's Let's Get It On - download it and maybe it'll perk you up too. The link is only free until the end of the day tomorrow - you know, Valentine's Day.


  1. Jeez, yeah. I seem to have one of those days twice a week. And I did have to write all of Red's cards. I can't wait until she can really write. Marvin Gaye usually makes everything better.

  2. Anonymous3:15 PM

    thank you for sharing the love.

    I think we've all had those days.

  3. Oooohh... I love this one. Thanks for the song and so glad to hear you're feeling perky again. ;)

  4. Oh, I sympathize. The V-meister had to bring 32 Valentines to school. She was practically weeping by the end of the name writing session last night.

  5. Thanks for the tip. Marvin's on my iPod now. Hope your weekend continues on the upswing.

  6. Maggie--my twins are Seniors, and I can tell you we do not have a single one of those cards saved from grade school. You are just fine. Now go have some wine.

  7. You must really have woken up in a bad mood. Had you ever written 'fuck' on your blog before today?

    Hope the day has continued to improve.

  8. FYI: Not that your writing 'fuck' bothers me.

    It doesn't.

    In fact, I had a fucking awful day myself. ;)

  9. Let's get it on? Really? It can't help but make me laugh but I'm not sure it's for the same reason.

  10. I would have gone totally wild and sent in 19. Let's get it on!

  11. I am of the opinion that Valentines day should not be celebrated by anyone not past puberty...and that it should be voluntary, not obligatory.


    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who digs the song...have to love the honesty)

  12. Anonymous11:29 PM

    i needed that

  13. Past few years, we printed off valentine's day cards .. found free printables on the internet. My kids dug that.

  14. oh and thanks for the marvin pick me up. lubs me some marvin gaye!

  15. By the last 2 kids I never bothered having them sign the cards--all the kids want is the lollipop or Hershey's kiss taped on the top!

  16. Wow - is Valentine's day really such a big deal over there?

    Here, it slips by with not a ripple in primary schools... and in my marriage so it seems! :-)

  17. can't decide which I love more- the song, or the fact that you said fuck.

  18. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Ooooo... I don't remember seeing the 'f' word around here before... now that really tells alot about the emotions in you!!!! *laugh*

    Love the song!!!

  19. so glad I'm not the only mom who didn't send in a goodie bag, etc, etc.

  20. I have NEVER sent in goodies with the valentines. It's just one more "see what a super mommy I am" pissing contest between the queen bees.

    Let them have their fun. All I had to do was let JR pick out her valentines at the store and she did all the work herself--well, she's 9 and perfectly capable of doing so.


  21. I'm totally tickled that "Let's Get it On" is the feel-good song for the anti-Valentine crowd. (As neither of my children gave out cards to any of their classmates, I am firmly in this camp, too.)

    Funny, though, since I usually consider my feel good song "Build a Little Birdhouse in Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants. :-)

  22. That is such a fun song. It is a good one to belt out in the car...not that I do that or anything. LOL.

  23. i love it when i'm told what i may do. it may make me want to do the opposite.

  24. Let's Get it On is one of my favorite songs of all time. I also enjoy Sexual Healing. I have both of those songs as a ring tone. Whenever my husband calls I hear one of those songs and it instantly puts me in a mood - sometimes good, sometimes horny :)

  25. That song's a definite mood-lifter.

  26. it was friday the 13th, so something was bound to be off..but there's nothing a little marvin gaye can't fix, that's for sure. :-)


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