11 January 2009


So we finally (a month late!) got the Wii and Wii Fit hooked up. And, we seem to be hooked. The first words out of the girl's mouth this morning were "can we go exercise?"

She generally prefers to sit on the couch and watch me, because she's too uncoordinated to do anything right, but she did run around the house several times, running running running, carrying the little remote.

We all went through the Wii Fit calculations. Husband isn't going anywhere near it ever again, because it told him he was 57. I was tickled to be thought 36; and hysterical when the 5 year old was deemed to be 30. Because, you know, it's entirely possibly that I had her when I was six, right?

It's altogether amusing.


painted maypole said...

we haven't found one yet. you would think wii would have supplied the world with a few more... i don't understand not having enough on the shelves for Xmas!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

mine called me uncoordinated and asked if I fell down a lot.

Have fun babe!

Gina said...

I can't wait to get one, but I am afraid I'll have to throw it out the window when it calls me 85.

Melissa said...

I use mine mostly for the balance exercises. But it is a whole lot of fun, isn't it?

Mental P Mama said...

I'm too scared to get one. sigh

Aurelia said...

I need to get the Wii Fit set up, upstairs so I will use it more often.

I hate going to the basement, and I can't bring the baby there, so it really causes a problem.

S said...

I've forgiven it for calling me 52, because I really do like it.

rachel... said...

We just got the Wii, too! So fun, but I'm a little nervous about the Wii fit. I don't know if my fragile ego can take that kind of a blow.

Unknown said...

My poor husband watched helplessly as his Mii was inflated to reflect his "obesity".

Not a great feature for folks with eating disorders.

Anjali said...

Our neighbor has Wii fit and there's some penguin game where you're on an iceberg and have to catch fish... Or something.

Anyway. I LOVED that game!

She She said...

We're loving ours, too! It's actually made me exercise more. When I miss a day, and the Wii asks, "Too busy to exercise yesterday, Alesia?", and I feel utterly guilt-ridden.

BTW, it says Nora is 25, which makes complete sense to me.

Mad said...

I bought a yoga dvd yesterday and then spent 20 minutes with a farting little bum in my face. I think I'll save the attempts at fitness until after she's in bed.

Mad said...

And can I add that she already claims that it's too hard to do downward dog. That's my gene pool!

Kyla said...

I can't wait for my parents to hook theirs up, so I can use it.

InTheFastLane said...

We just got a Wii, I don't know if I am ready for the wii fit. I don't know if I can take it yelling at me when I gain weight...

Furrow said...

I might get one when Zo is less interested in remotes and more interested in what they control. However, the whole judgmental thing is scaring me.

niobe said...

I'm usually not into these things at all....but maybe I should try it.

Mamalang said...

We've loved our Wii since day one...I'm dying for a fit. Maybe next month?

Janet said...

is it easy to hook up? I haven't done it yet...scared lol!