29 December 2008

What 48 Looks Like

Because Bennie wanted to know.

There's rules on his blog if you want to play. But, it's my birthday and I make the rules today, so I'm just posting the picture of me. Actually, though, since I took it yesterday, it's really what 47 looks like.


Ben and Bennie said...

You do 47.99 very well! as well as 48. Once again, Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

this was obviously before you opened your presents :)

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

Hey, happy birthday!

Aurelia said...

Damn hon, you are young and good-looking. I'd guess, 30? maybe 32ish at the most?

You have to share your secrets someday.

shrink on the couch said...

The other rule you're violating: 48 yr olds are supposed to have wrinkles. But since it's your birthday and all, I guess I'll let it slide.

Happy 48!

p.s. Please tell me you feel better at 48 than you have your whole life. I need to hear this, bad.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! My gift to you is a picture of me right now. It ain't pretty.

S said...

It's nice to see your face again.

susan said...

47, 48: All looking mighty fine. Happy birthday!

Woman in a Window said...

Not 48. No way.
Happy Birthday!

the mama bird diaries said...

Happy Birthday!!

Marmite Breath said...

You are KILLING me! You look so young!

Happy Birthday, dear Magpie!

(I hope I look that good at your age)

Mad said...

Hi 48. 43 is waving frantically, hoping one day we'll sip the Fat Bastard together.

Anonymous said...

I think 48 (or 47.99) looks fabulous on you! Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, you young thing!

Stimey said...

48 is beautiful. Happy birthday!

nonlineargirl said...

Happy birthday!

I hope you know how much I have enjoyed getting to read your blog and know you a little through it this past year.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Happy Birthday!

Your (writing) voice is so young--in my mind you were in your late thirties. Strange how that works.

Mayberry said...

Happy HAPPY! (It's not quite midnight yet ... )

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

cactus petunia said...

Almost 48 looks pretty good to me...but then, I'll be 52 in a couple of weeks, and I'm not sure I have the guts to post what THAT looks like!

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!

Girlplustwo said...

hi there, pretty.

happiest to you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Looking good. Fantastic actually. It's funny to see what you look like. You look familiar. I honestly want to say 'have I seen you somewhere before?'

I'm going to post a really bleak, bleak post on aging next week. Like a lot of my really bleak posts it is intended to be funny for everyone but it only makes me laugh. So if you are sensitive about that sort of thing, maybe don't read my blog for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated ...

niobe said...

Happy, happy birthday!

She She said...

47 looks beautiful! Happy Birthday, Magpie. (And such awesome glasses...)

Deb Rox said...

Happy Birthday! What a gorgeous photo. 48 looks golden and sunny and smart and plus, dang, you have perfect lips.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Why do you look so gloomy on your birthday?

Janet said...

Happy belated birthday! btw...in that picture you could be my sister!

1A said...

Looks fabulous to me, dah-ling. Happy, happy!

Anonymous said...

Aw Magpie, you're lovely. Happy Birthday my dear.

Rima said...

I hope your birthday was nice. And that you have a good year ahead.

Also, forty-eightish looks mighty fine!

alejna said...

Happy Birthday! (Yes, I know I'm late to the party. I'm always late these days.)

It's so nice to see your face. You look great!

Aunt Becky said...

Just like real life, I'm fashionably late to the party. Happy, HAPPY birthday Magpie! I think 47 looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday. But the picture is incredibly misleading. No one I know looks as good as you do at 47!

Very Mary said...

Well Happy Friggin' Birthday from your lame-ass friend who had no idea. Duh.

Julia said...

Happy Belated!

You look great, and it's nice to "meet" you.

Maggie May said...

wow you have fantastic skin!! what is your secret? don't say soap!

happy new year

Anonymous said...

happy happy (only slightly belated) birthday!!

Robbin said...

I think you look fabulous!

painted maypole said...

ok, so literally, looking at this picture is the exact mirror of how I am sitting...

(happy belated birthday!!)

julochka said...

i'm a little behind, but i hope you had a great birthday!

are you sure you didn't mis-type and accidentally type a "4" instead of a "3"? seriously, you must have turned 38, not 48!