15 December 2008

To Somebody's House Wii Go

Wow. Just wow. I spent the weekend mulling over the many posts and comments from people hoping for that Wii Fit that Nintendo is letting me give away.

The posts ranged from funny to poignant, and from witty to painful. There are lots of mamas out there hoping to lose baby weight - even with babes old enough to be walking and talking and going to school (though Heidi claims to have given birth to varmints, not children). Monkey's Momma and Marmite Breath can't ever set foot in their health-clubs again because of embarrassing treadmill incidents, and some are just too shy to ever go to a gym in the first place. Many people used to do (and love) yoga, but can't find the time to get out of the house to get to the yoga studio.  Rima signed up for Jazzercise, and then didn't go for a year - even though though they were billing her credit card every single month. 

Well Read Hostess nearly seduced me with a recipe that requires copious amounts of egg and butter.  Andi has flat out declared that she'll never be fat again.  Robbin needs a Wii Fit because she doesn't laugh as much as she once did, and her abs are suffering.

Melanie and PicaboDaddy both recounted their video game history, because after all, what's the Wii Fit but the latest in a long line of video games?

And the posts got personal!  Nicole included a photo, with personalized plea on a blackboard, and Cold Spaghetti enlisted her son to make a video.  Ree says she'll make out with me if she wins.

Rick started a blog just to enter the contest, because they need one to take with them when they move to Ethiopia next summer.  On the other hand, Jen declined to participate, because she can't imagine taking one to the jungle with her.

Furrow wants a Wii Fit, because she likes the idea of quantifying her exercise (her cellphone has a pedometer - go figure.)  Stimey wants to set a good example for her kids.  And Painted Maypole - bless her creative heart - rewrote a Shel Silverstein poem as her entry.

But the post that got to me, the one that moved me the most, was from She She.  I can't quite put a finger on it, but her beautifully written and naked tale of her weight struggles - alongside the advice she wants to pass along to her children - resonated with me in a way that demanded that She She be awarded the Wii Fit.  

Here's a little bit of what she said: 

A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me what would be the one piece of advice I would give to my children if I knew it was the only advice they would take. Without hesitation, I said, “I would tell them to say ‘yes’. Some opportunities only come once. Say ‘yes’.”

There are so many things I didn’t say ‘yes’ to because of my weight. Hiking through the Puerto Rico rain forest, dancing with a Frenchman, having sex with the light on. 

I look back at my 20 and 30 year old selves, and I want to shake them by the shoulders and shout at them, “Say ‘yes’! You will only be here once! Stop using your weight to protect you from new experiences! Stop using it as an excuse not to participate in your life! Say ‘yes’!”

I know, unless disaster strikes me, that I will someday be a 52 year old, and hopefully a 62 and 72 year old. If I’m terrifically lucky, 82 and 92. I don’t want my future self admonishing my 42 year old self to say 'yes'. 

Some opportunities only come once.

I know my weight struggle will be a lifelong one. Genes, habits, and a big taste for cream sauce dictate this. Nothing will make it less so -- not acupuncture, not special tea, not denial. But I feel like I’m ready to take it on. Again. I think I’m ready to say yes to my very own life.

Thank you all for participating - I wish I had a prize for everyone.


Nicole said...

Wow, This is very touching, congrats to She She!!
THANKS FOR DOING THIS Magpie! It was fun!! Now, were probably gonna have to buy one cause my kids are so excited about it... that's how Nintendo gets us! :) lol!

lilypotter said...

That was a great post by SheShe; very truthful and insightful. She certainly deserves to win.

Marmite Breath said...

Congratulations, SheShe! I'm very happy that you won, and I know you'll enjoy using the Wii Fit!

Anonymous said...

That is very moving advice. I'll take it, even (especially) if she's not my mom.

heidi said...

Bravo to She She! She totally deserves it. It reminds me of the Yoko installation "Yes" which lingers in my mind long after I saw it.

painted maypole said...

that is good advice.

congrats to she she

as I exit to sulk in the corner... ;)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Alesia's post was beautiful and heartfelt. Good choice.

jodifur said...

while I'm so bummed I didn't win, congrats to She She!

Stimey said...

Those are wise words. Congrats to She She!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations SheShe! I hope you get the opportunity to say yes again. Soon.

(And Magpie - I'll still make out with you.)

Rima said...

Verily I say to you, you picked a most deserving winner!

(And you should get some kind of a prize for all the link love and post summaries you did here!)

Waiting Amy said...

As I'm thinking of a major crossroads in our lives, this is strikingly good advice. I need to say "yes" more often.

Congratulations SheShe!

Le laquet said...

Well done She She!

shrink on the couch said...

SheShe deserves the Wii ... YES she does!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you found the person most deserving!

Furrow said...

Congratulations to She She!

Magpie, I'll just come and play at your house, okay?

Maude Lynn said...

She She is awesome!

Rick said...

Very compelling - just say yes!

Julia said...

Wonderful choice.

Meanwhile, any ideas who I need to bribe to get the elves to show up at my house? I will gladly give one away too...