17 December 2008

Lions and Tigers and Teeth, Oh My!

This morning was the kindergarten "Winter Sharing Celebration". PC to a fare-thee-well, right? I say, let's call it Festivus Hanukwanzmas and be done with it.

But I digress. Up on the bulletin board in the classroom was each child's response to discussion of gifts that would "make people we love feel happy".

Most of them were on the order of "a chapter book for my sister" or "a robot for my mother".

My lion and tiger and leopard obsessed child? Would like to give a sharp toothed animal to her cousin.


alejna said...

I love it!

Marmite Breath said...

Would she wrap it up and put it under the tree? :)

Anonymous said...

I have cousins that I'd give a sharp-toothed animal to, too. ;-)

Rima said...

I love that Miranda. She's a girl after my own heart.

Unknown said...

My Violet wants to give Daddy a horsey and a Superman costume for Christmas, but I think a sharp toothed animal would be a much better choice!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

In a pretty package too! Anyone can give a book, but a sharp-toothed animal? That is thoughtful.

shrink on the couch said...

Not a warm, soft and furry animal, oh no. A sharp-toothed animal.

I gotta meet Lyla.

Woman in a Window said...

i wonder how you'd wrap that one!

painted maypole said...

ha ha ha ha ha

my child is wrapping up her things to give to her daddy and I for Xmas

flutter said...

Oh my God, i just peed my pants!

Debbie D said...

Yea for Miranda!

Pinky said...

I showed that to Lila, who looked genuinely touched. She seems to think the sharp-toothed animal would be for her protection.

heidi said...

This one goes in the *save* pile! Can I give a sharp-toothed animal to my motherinlaw for hanukah?

Anonymous said...

huh. this gives me a glimmer of insight into my sharp-toothed animal obsessed youngun.

FreshHell said...

Very excellent. I can probably lend her Coco, the imaginary lion.

Mental P Mama said...

Too cute.

RuthWells said...

Thank you -- I needed a warm fuzzy this morning.

Thank Mir for me, too.

Mayberry said...

I think that Lyla is very lucky!

Le laquet said...

LMAO! Nice - so her and Lyla get on then?!?

We had our Nativity on Tuesday and Wednesday ... so glad that's over for another year!

Kyla said...

Hahaha!!! I love it!

Jennifer said...

That is SO great. I wonder if you can get one of those at Target?

Anonymous said...

Too bad she doesn't know my kids. They would love it.

Deb Rox said...

Fantastic! Now that's the kind of kid you want to be friends with. Think big, think fabulous!

Aunt Becky said...

Your kid is = to my hero.

KC said...


the mama bird diaries said...

That is truly awesome.

Anonymous said...

try finding a gift box for that

Very Mary said...

I would like to give a sharp toothed animal to my mother in law. In her face. Launched from above. In a surprise attack. Just sayin.

Gwen said...

so funny. love the accompanying illustration!

Anonymous said...

*huge laugh*

Vodka Mom said...

That was GREAT!! You knew I would love it.....

painted maypole said...

i finally did a stack of book posts - it's up! :)

Stimey said...

I think that might be the very best response she could have given. Hilarious!