Don't ask me why, but the child has an obsession with lava. Walk down the sidewalk, "step over the hot lava, mama!". "Ooh, that's hot lava!" It comes up a lot.
So, I thought nothing of it when she told me she wanted to be Lava Girl for Halloween. Lava Girl, a superhero of her own devising. Lava Girl, to be attired in a red dress and pink cape and black tights and "oh, my pretty new shiny ballet slippers" and a red wig or "no, my own hair, mama" with a diamond crown. You know, Lava Girl.
On my way back into the office after lunch, I got off the elevator at the costume shop. When J. put down the phone, he asked "So, what's Mir going to be for Halloween?" "As a matter of fact, that's what I'm here about." I told him she wanted to be Lava Girl, and I was about to launch into the description of the costume, and he derailed me. "I know, Lavagirl and Sharkboy, she wears a jumpsuit".
Go figure. There actually is a Lavagirl. Not the Lava Girl of my child's invention, but a Lavagirl nonetheless.
Once we got past that, he took me to their wondrous cabinets of fabric, and gave me yards of stuff: sparkly fuchsia voile for the cape, luscious tangerine slubby satin for the "L" emblem and some accents, and persimmon taffeta for the dress.I guess it's time to get out the sewing machine and turn myself into superhero Sewing Mom.
07 October 2008
Hot Lava
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I remember that...I want to be LavaGirl, too. I mean, who in their right mind would not want a persimmon taffeta dress?
Wow - you sew? I'm impressed. This will be our first year of cobbled-together costumes with most things found in the house. Two black cats, comin' up! We've been buying off the rack for years. This year, we're recycling. Sort of. I hope you'll post a photo of the result.
those colors are so vibrant.
Fiona had a volcano/ lava phase. Have you made the home made volcano yet? Fun.
Wait, you can sew, too? Color me impressed!
My girls went through a hot lava phase, too, but it never translated into a Halloween costume. We're still costumeless here. Partly because I'm like the Scrooge of Halloween, can't sew and don't feel like spending money on three pieces of polyester that will be ragged by the end of trick or treating.
Nice colors!!
Josh is the resident seamstress (seamster?) around here. Heh. I'm worthless. LOL. BubTar recently told my mom, "My dad cooks and cleans and everything. My mom just does the planning."
Mine talk about lava a lot, too -- they play that same game, shouting at me to run into the kitchen where the lava can't get me.
I don't remember thinking about lava at that age. Huh.
I remember the lava game from childhood. It must be evolutionary left-over, the hyper awareness of the possibility of lava... Oh, that fabric looks yummy. I want to roll around in it naked, but I won't because that would be weird.
Oh. My. God. Our kids are meant to be together. If I hear "hot lava" in this house one more time you're going to hear my scream in your house. Everything, and I do mean everything, has to do with "hot lava." And it has for the past 18 months. We even built a volcano with hot lava on the beach this summer. We've built the vinegar and baking soda volcanoes and volcanoes of every other possible concoction. If we pass over a stream, or a river, or a puddle, I hear "is that hot lava?" Hot lava, hot lava, hot lava.
And now we move on to "poop!"
Much more creative than I am. Wonderful! I too was thinking Sharkboy and Lava Girl. Weird movie. Pretty good, actually.
And as to the starving neighbour was the little boy's birthday tonight. I was sad for him. He is about as big as my pocket. His dad spent the grocery money on a very dangerous and big dirt bike for him. At least he got a helmet... I gave my extra cabbage to a friend instead.
The fabric is gorgeous. The challenge is daunting. I can't wait to see the results.
oooh, costumes! parental units, it is easy and fun to make costumes! and magpie, hope your daughter is gloriously happy with her own special one-of-a-kind.
That movie is SURREAL, actually. Maybe because I've only seen it in random 5 minute increments.
can't wait to see your interpretation of Lavagirl! BTW my children spent the evening coloring each other with markers to turn themselves into superheroes. And not washable ones either.
Can't wait to see the costume - please share picture!
I will be sewing a very small Darth Maul costume this year, by request of Q-ster.
my mother used to make our costumes! you rock, lavamom..
My dau wants to be a balloon. Think you can whip me out one of those while you're at it? I've got a sewing machine that creates giant balls of thread under the bobbin and zero talent in the art of piecing fabric together. My kids are doomed.
P.S. Sharkboy and Lavagirl was made in Austin by an Austinite.
Look forward to seeing the creation! I worked for a guy who only drank 'Hot Lava Java' - very very strong coffee (he was wired permanently - I'm sure Lavagirl is more fun).
Ben had a thing with hot lava, too! Cracked me up!
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