19 September 2008

How To Be A Mom

Carry Provisions
I keep a couple of Trader Joe’s fruit leather bars in my bag, for food emergencies. They’re pretty indestructible, unlike cereal bars (which turn into crumbs when banged around under the wallet and keys) or fresh fruit (which tends get dinged and leaky instantly), and they’re less likely to end up all over the car (like Cheerios or raisins).

Carry Tools
A carabiner is a godsend. When the child sheds a layer and expects you to carry it, you clip the offending garment to your belt-loop and progress. It’s also good for binding a mess of shopping bags together so you don’t keep dropping absolutely everything.

Carry Supplies
Yeah, the kid wipes her nose on her sleeve more often than not, but if I want to go after her dirty face with mother spit, I’d rather use a tissue. And for those times when she has to pee by the side of the road? Enough said.

Carry Distraction
Tucked in a Ziploc bag we’ve got a handful of crayons, a small notepad, and some Dover stencils. Waiting for dinner at a restaurant? Draw a picture.

Carry Entertainment
I love to listen to music in the car – love to put the (six) CD player on shuffle and be surprised at every turn. The child tends to want to listen to the same song over and over and over. So, make sure that one or two tracks of the sixty are things that she’ll like and that I find bearable, or even wonderful. Let’s put it this way: I love that she likes Springsteen’s Girls in Their Summer Clothes and k.d. lang’s rendition of Hallelujah.

Carry Tools that double as Entertainment
It’s always nice to have a flashlight handy – you never know when the power’s going to go out. But it can be great entertainment for a child too. I’ve got a penlight tucked into my bag, particularly fascinating because it makes green light.

Carry the Glow Necklace at All Times
Well, maybe that’s too idiosyncratic for a general “How to be a Mom” rule – but it’s on my list. Several months ago, she made me a “glow necklace” at school – “it’ll take away your bad dreams, Mommy”. It’s not even a necklace, it’s just a string of beads. It doesn’t glow. But it lives in my bag, and I run it through my fingers like a rosary, and think of the little girl who melts my heart every single day.

These few of my favorite things are brought to you by Yoplait and the Parent Bloggers Network, and I approved this message.


  1. Excellent list. I have taken notes. I always carry wipes and tissues in the car. I also have about 30 CDs in the car.

  2. We once survived a two-hour car trip thanks to a penlight. Great list!

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Excellent list - yes. I have a shrinky-dink "worry stone" that I carry. It says, "I love my mom".


  4. Oh, and Rescue Remedy;) By the way, Bus-getti is spaghetti!

  5. dude, i love you. i'm the one who always shows up with nothing and borrows things from others. juicebox here, wipe there... it's shameless.

  6. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I've been a mom for four years, yet I got some helpful tidbits here. Thanks!

  7. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Love the beads, such a nice reminder of the love.

  8. You're a Girl Scout at heart!

  9. Anonymous3:12 AM

    awww, you are so sweet.

    I carry around Boo's teeth. Only because he hasn't decided when the tooth fairy is allowed to come. SO I need them on hand at all times...

  10. We should all have a Glow necklace from someone we love. How incredibly sweet.

  11. Nice, especially that last one!

    I used to go with a well packed bag everywhere but now that they're older we just hop in the car ever so lightly...and then the meltdown ensues about ten seconds later. When are these, these, kids gonna grow up anyway?

  12. when are they going to grow up?? mine are legal adults, and i still carry tissues, bandaids, etc. i'd still have a penlight in my purse, if one of them hadn't taken it.

    carabiners, though -- that is brilliant!

  13. And I've found that even when I don't have the kids with me, the wipes are indispensable!

  14. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Great list! The glow necklace...awww..so sweet! 'I' am my boys' mobile distraction & entertainment...*laugh* how nice, yours can fit into your bag.

  15. My daughter insists on listening to the Wonder Woman theme song at least 6 times in a row, but she can also be entertained by her Lasso of Truth ($2.44 worth of gold drapery cord) for hours!

  16. I have never heard of a carabiner. Thanks.

  17. Great tips! And now I am addicted to wipes. If I don't have them, I start to panic about sticky fingers, sticky faces.

  18. great advice all around. I do a lot of that already, but the carabiner and the flashnight would be welcome additions.

    your glow necklace reminds me of a rock that MQ gave her daddy. he held it in his hand while he had surgery, running his fingers over its sloped edges. (and they let him, suprisingly enough)

  19. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Ooh! I didn't think of the carabeener - great idea! I always have my jack knife because inevitably I am at the park and the only way to get the kids to eat the fruit (instead of the chips) is to peel it and cut it up!But I've got the rest covered.

  20. that's a really excellent list...now if i was just home more than 24 hours in a row...

  21. It took me three kids to learn to bring water and a snack everywhere! Five minute walk? Thirsty! Just finished lunch? Hungry!

    I do, however, wipe noses on my sleeve from time to time. Whatever. Nobody is looking at me.

  22. this sounds crazy nerdy but i really wish i thought of the carabiner when my kids were little. that would have made my life easy when all of 4 of them were under the age of 8. i could of hooked them all together.

  23. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Those Trader Joe's fruit snacks are something else - we love them.

    A carabiner! What a great idea! Thank you.

  24. I also carry my medication. Just in case. he he


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