28 August 2008

Letter to the Editor

Remember my sign? It arrived last Thursday, we installed it Thursday night.

Saturday morning, when I went out to get the paper, it was gone.


We wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper - an on-line only "paper". They're "printing" the letter tomorrow. I can't post the complete text of the letter because there are far too many references to our town and its people and redacting the distinguishing marks would vitiate the power of the letter.

But here's one paragraph:

We would like to think that someone took it because they were so enamored of the wit and sentiment of the sign that they wanted it for themselves. We fear, however, that someone was offended by its hardly immoderate language and didn’t think a second before snatching it from our property. Didn’t think a second about how their intolerant and immoderate censorship is precisely what the First Amendment exists to protect us from.

I was going to install the second one at my mother's house. Instead, I think we'll rig a pole up in a tree, out of reach of the bastards. They'll probably throw eggs, and we'll probably have to write another letter to the editor.

But, damn it, I will not have my right to free speech abrogated in this day and age.


S said...

You said it! And so well!

Anonymous said...

I'd steal that sign -- because I want one.

Waiting Amy said...

Yes, I too would have liked to have taken it. But alas, I currently don't have a home!

You go girlie-o!

Aunt Becky said...

I want one, too.

Kyla said...

Go, YOU!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Go Magpie!

Stimey said...

Good for you!!

Melissa said...

If I put that out in Stepford, I'd get a nastygram from the HOA. If not egged. Possibly both.

Jenn said...

bastards, indeed!! get that other one out there and put a webcam on it.

I need to find a Cdn version...we're supposed to be having elections sometime. No one will commit to anything (insert stereotype here), but when they do: hooboy! I'll have me a sign!!

krysta said...

i'm in love with that sign and good for you!

painted maypole said...

I TOLD YOU it would be stolen. I really hope it's living in a dorm or in someone's window or something now. ;)

flutter said...

give a shit! not take one!

Anonymous said...

That sign is awesome.

cactus petunia said...

You go, girl! I'm thinking about ordering 4 of them!
Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

*damn!* how about putting mouse trap behind the sign, that whoever lay hands on it will get their fingers snapped right off their faces!

the dragonfly said...

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?!

Good for you for writing the letter..

crazymumma said...

I LOVE that sign.

Cowards don't like truth. So they haul it away.

Marmite Breath said...

I cannot believe that! Oh, please let it have been a Poverty-Stricken Liberty Lover (tm Marmite Breath)and not a First Amendment Violating Bastard (also tm Marmite Breath).

I think my neighbours might not allow their children to play with mine if I put the sign up in my yard. That's okay though, it wouldn't bother me that much.

Yesterday the nine-yr old neighbour boy tried to tell me that 'if Obama got elected, he'd try to bring all the troops home, and that would be bad because then those bad people that did 9/11 would do it again'.

I said, "Uh, kid, I have to respectfully disagree with you, and PS) You're nine and I'm not going to talk politics with you"

Anonymous said...

I'm worried about where you live.

I live in the United States of Canada. The capital actually!

I feel like running outside and kissing the ground. But I thank the Good Lord Jesus everyday that I don't have to live in that part of the country where all those people beat ya over the head with Him and then somehow think GW Bush is a good example of what He wants the president to do.

Please tell me you don't live in that part of the U.S. Is it a Stepford situation or is it a Jesusland situation? Or are your neighbors just mean?

Kristen said...

That is a great sign!

Rima said...

Honestly? I betcha some kids stole it because it is a kick ass sign!

Janet said...

I'm hoping it's what Rima said.

You know, today people were offended by the word "lewd" in an online game I play...and I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I want one! (But I promise, I didn't take it...)

lewis said...

Go Maggie, go Maggie, go Maggie! Bastards!

Kate Lord Brown said...

Go for it! Some moron stole our kids' 'Santa Please Stop Here' sign last Christmas. Print a 1000 of the things - flypost the neighbourhood.

Anonymous said...

People never cease to amaze me. :-( Good for you in your response! I'm with you 100%!

Kirsetin Morello said...

Excellent. Your absolutely right: whether people like it or not, we have the right to free speech, to disagree publicly with our government, and to hunt thieves down and get our signs back (okay, not that last part, but you get the point).

Anonymous said...

My parents had an Obama sign stolen from their house. Our neighbors have a new one in front of theirs...possibly for the same reason.

I'm waiting to put mine out until after the RNC. I live near idiots.

Kyddryn said...

Fight the good fight, sugar!!!

Shade and Sweetwater,

Girlplustwo said...

dude, i thought perhaps they took it b/c they wanted it for themselves. i want one, bad.

Anonymous said...

When will people grow up?

Love the sign, though.

Woman in a Window said...

You rock lady!

shrink on the couch said...

Excellent, excellent sign!

Supreme bummer it was stolen.

If they didn't like the language, noone can argue about the message. And stealing is a higher moral infraction than using scattological phrases. Right? Right!

Defiantmuse said...

great sign!