20 August 2008


Just for you, just because I know you needed this, I finally got around to taking pictures of the two rooms that we nearly filled with books.
The sunroom is now the "library". There are bookshelves on two walls (and casement windows on the other two). We're still waiting for two cabinet doors; one of the missing ones is visible (to the right of the door with the grey/blue panel). And look! Empty shelves! Room to grow.
The vertical run of shelves visible here in the dining room is nothing but books on food and cooking. Well, except for a speaker and a toy car.
And remember the Shakespeare bookshelf/sculpture? It's finally hanging, in the dining room.
That is all.


RuthWells said...

It feels so good to finish a project like this!

Melissa said...

Those look fabulous! Enjoy!

Kyla said...

I love it! Bookish homes are the best.

painted maypole said...

love, love, love it!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It's beyootiful!

Anonymous said...

Dude, that looks amazing! You should see my books all slopped all over the place. Feelin' some envy.

Anonymous said...

It looks so cozy yet elegant. Would love to snuggle up with a book, pillow, and blanket on the floor.

She She said...

I'm jealous, jealous, jealous. But happy for you, of course. I can't wait to have my books about me!

Kate Lord Brown said...

Beautiful! Books make a home. Enjoy your library!

Anonymous said...

Green with envy.

FreshHell said...

Gosh what a nice room! But you're going to have to explain "empty bookshelves" to me. I don't know what that is.

Nancy said...

Looks lovely. And I'm totally swooning to see all the books.

Mayberry said...

Lovely! Well worth the effort, no?

Awesome Mom said...


S. said...

They were beautiful rooms before--and they still are, but full of soul.

kathy a. said...

wow wow wow!

S said...

gorgeous. really, truly.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love pictures of books.

Lady M said...

Oooh, excellent! Books, books, books.

MsPrufrock said...

I just died a little seeing those photos. I don't know if I can go back to work.

The shelving over the doorway? This is my dream. Sigh. Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. Wonderful.

Defiantmuse said...

I think that just may be my partner's dream room. Seriously. You should see his collection of books that are mostly in boxes b/c we have no room or place to put them. And the Shakespeare thing? Omg, he would looove that.

Julie Pippert said...

So gorgeous. So jealous. So awesome. So want that for myself. Love the shelves, love a room of books, love the colors too.

the dragonfly said...


jealous - jealous - jealous

Seriously, though...looks great. :)

julochka said...

they look just great!! thanks for sharing!! it's always so heartening to see people whose homes aren't in a permanent state of chaos. :-)

Woman in a Window said...

That looks absolutely inviting! Nice colour!

Janet said...

I love the sight of full bookshelves. Mine have a lot of games stacked in them at the moment, but some day they will be full of books.