25 June 2008

And the winners are...

Remember this?

I printed out the post (on the back of a draft of a brief), cut the comments into little strips, discarded the outliers (who weren't interested in a bathing suit), and sorted the entries into a boy pile and a girl pile.

And I picked a winner from each pile.

Eva gets the girl package, and Slouching Mom gets the boy package. Yeah! It's summertime!


  1. I missed it! *sigh* Oh well...congrats to the winners! :)

  2. I'm so excited; thank you for organizing this. Ten is going to look great in the lime green.

  3. Cograts winners!(althought I would have loved those little surfer shorts myself.....)

  4. I forgot to tell you - I tagged you in my blog but don't feel obligated.

    Love ya
    Mean it

  5. So much for nepotism!

  6. THANK YOU! Very excited.

  7. Yay for them! (shucks, boo for me.) And I'm excited about your e-mails but need a moment of peace to read them. I kinda feel like they're little notes folded up like there in your photo and I need to slip into the corner.


Go ahead, leave a message. I don't bite.