30 April 2008

Stripes and Plaids and Snakes, Oh My!

Shirt: Purple snakeskin print
Skirt: Blue plaid
Tights: Multicolored stripes
Sneakers: Pink Plaid

Yes, I let her dress herself. Wanna make something of it?


Aunt Becky said...

I used to let Ben do the same. It's so cute what they come up with!

She She said...

Colorful! Stylish! Fierce!

Queen Goob said...

Better than this one:

Spiderman pajamas
Cowboy boots
Plastic sword down back of neck

What happens when dad gets boy ready for school.

Anonymous said...

I like it! My own wardrobe seems so constrained.

I used to dress myself, too. I'm going to have to dig up and post a favorite photo of me wearing green plaid pants and birkenstocks, with one red sock and one blue sock. (My shirt, though, was nothing spectactular. It may even have been plain. Clearly, I didn't haven enough purple snakeskin print shirts in my wardrobe.)

Girlplustwo said...

i love watching their style evolve.

Mayberry said...

Always room for one more pattern, I always say. Especially if it's snakeskin.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Wish she could dress me.

FreshHell said...

Ah, yes, we have similarly attired girls. Mine went to school the other day with inside out pants ("I want them this way!" she said when I offered to adjust them) and shoes on the wrong feet (as always). I think this was paired with a shirt and a "beautiful" dress on top.

the mama bird diaries said...

That is AWESOME. Love it.

Anonymous said...

She will love these pictures when she gets older!

thrice said...

She textured. Love. It.

susan said...

I love it! She and Curious Girl are total fashion twins, right down to the wonderful tights.

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

She's gorgeous.

Beth Cotell said...

She and my daughter would get along so well!

Cynthia said...

Looks great to me!

S said...

she has beautiful, beautiful eyes!

Antropóloga said...

I think it coordinates great!

Woman in a Window said...

I think your daughter might be conferring with my daughter. Maybe they are secretely blogging back and forth. The horror...the horror...except your daughter looks so much cleaner than mine!

Danielle said...

She looks AWESOME! Enough said.

Julie Pippert said...

I love that you posted that photo and love that she dresses that way. She's adorable. And my two dress the exact same way.

Anonymous said...

The world would be a much more interesting place if we all dressed the way little kids like to dress. I think it's great!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks GORGEOUS! :)

Julia said...

Not at all. Mine dresses herself too, often with similar inimitable effect.

Furrow said...

what? looks good to me. my mother is about to start letting me dress myself, too.

Victoria said...

Trade the sneakers for Barbie cowboy boots and she could be BFFs with my Girlie. =)

EmmaL said...

She is so cute! I love this!