Every year, the pre-school class at Miss M.'s daycare hatches eggs into chicks. It's a big event: all the little kids from the other classes come to visit the eggs and then the chicks, everyone knows what day they're due to hatch, and after the chicks have been hanging out in the classroom for a while, the kids go on a field trip to return them to the farm from which the eggs came.Hatch day this year was supposed to be tomorrow. But sometime yesterday, a couple of the eggs developed cracks and bulges. We arrived to pick her up, and found the whiteboard outside the classroom emblazoned with:
Quote of the Day:
"Maura look! The
eggs are starting
to peel!"
Miss M. had been the first to notice.
This morning, there were two bedraggled little chicks, some more eggs with cracks, and a gaggle of little kids hovering over the incubator. All's right with the world, even if it still doesn't feel like spring.
Awwww. How adorable.
oh, the cuteness!
cute. I want to see pics of the chicks!
She's the best.
I didn't know you could predict hatching down to the day.
wow, that's cool. I want to do that! Stamps foot.
Hey - I wanna do that too! Every year I tell Hubby we're going to get the kids eggs/chicks for Easter. I think next year.
So. Sweet.
Aw, cute!
We are finally starting to see signs of spring here!
Good times.
I miss hatching baby "cheeps" in school. Maybe I should do it on my own, like the freak that I am.
Chicks hatch and the market is up.
awww... One of my favorite kids books in the Old Country language is the one about two boys who build their own incubator. It's a good story.
Peeling eggs. Nice.
So cute. My mom teaches preschool, and one year her class was doing a similar project. My mom asked what they should name the chicks and one of the kids yelled out "Pecker!" Ahh, the innocence of youth.
Now if she could just predict when MY egg would peel.
I am too impatient.
That gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Eat a lot of boiled eggs in your house, then, do ya?
THAT truly is cute. We have to see photos of the fur-babies!
oh your observant little girl! :)
Nothing cuter than baby chicks.
My husband, the science teacher, once tried to hatch eggs in his classroom at Easter, but they hadn't hatched before it was time for the Easter school break (back when they had such things!) so he left them in the incubator for the weekend. When he came back, they'd all hatched but their feet were all deformed because, apparently, they have to be turned constantly or their feet don't grow properly. A mother hen would know this. My husband not so much. He had to "dispose" of the chicks before the kids got in. I don't have any more details...and if I did I wouldn't out him.
That quote is a keeper.
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