23 March 2008

Feckless Draconian Podiatrist

The children are downstairs dyeing Easter eggs. I'm consolidating little pieces of paper in my mother's office - creating an up-to-date phone list.

On one scrap, in my mother's handwriting (blue):

The note added below in black is from my sister. Do you think that she thinks we need a whole list of feckless draconian podiatrists?


  1. Perhaps she has an entire list of other feckless, draconian service providers? A sort of anti-yellow pages for people you really don't want to hire, unless that's your sort of thing?

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Maybe she was doing a crossword at the same time? She was making sure of correct spelling???

  3. I think I'd like your mom.

    Looking at the scrap of paper, I get the idea that "Feckless Draconian" is the umbrella category. So, for instance, there may be a feckless draconian cashier at the grocery store, or maybe a hair stylist.

  4. You're so funny. I wonder if there is a secret society of Feckless Draconian Podiatrists.

  5. Please keep your mother's feet away from draconian podiatrists, especially feckless ones!!

  6. I don't know about podiatrists, but I do know of a feckless, draconian orthodontist and a feckless, though no particularly draconian gynecologist.

  7. My father-in-law is a podiatrist... neither freckless nor draconian.

  8. Now I want to start a band so that I can name it Feckless Draconian Podiatrist.

  9. This sounds worth investigating.

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Ooh. I want to be in the Who's Who of Feckless Draconians.

  11. Now we know where you get those great writing skills.... :) !


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