22 February 2008

Sick Day/Snow Day

Poor little chicken
High fever is misery
Can't enjoy snow day

We've had a beautiful snowfall today, 8 to 10 inches of the first real snow since December, and the kidlet has been running a fever since about 3am on Thursday. So her daycare is closed because of the lovely snow, and not only can she not go out to play in it, she doesn't even want to. Poor thing.

She's lying pitifully on the couch, working her way through all of the Miyazaki movies, while I alternate between mopping her fevered brow and attempting to work from home.

I did drag her off to the doctor, who said it wasn't throat or ears, and that there was a virus making the rounds that did nothing much but cause a high fever for FOUR to SIX days. Let's hope for four days, because the small lump of humanity in the other room is the saddest thing I have ever seen.

Haiku Friday


niobe said...

I think we're getting the same snow and I know I've had five days of a similarly unpleasant virus. Not fun at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh my -- poor, poor, dear
Snow, come back another day
So that she can play

kathy a. said...

omg, that is so sad. hope she is feeling more perky, and that the snow lasts long enough for her to enjoy it.

Suz said...

I can't wait 'til the boys are big enough for me to introduce them to the Studio Ghibli movies. My husband doesn't get them, but it's like watching a moving painting.

flutter said...

Oh, poor girl!

the planet of janet said...

oh, the poor little thing.

we've had that bug in our house too. it's not fun.

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than sick kids! I hope she is better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sympathies - my son is only on day day three, so we have a couple days to go.

susan said...

Oh, poor girl.....I hope she's better soon.

Kat said...

My backyard has looked like your pic all winter. It looks pretty, but I'm ready for spring.
Hope your girl feels better soon.

Julia said...

Poor kid. Monkey was sick a little while ago, and it annoyed her to no end to feel bad. And then it was very cute how she would answer "great!" and mean it to every question of "how are you feeling?" once she started getting better. Even while she was not by any measure great. But she was so grateful to be better.
So I really hope Miss M gets a special dispensation version of the virus with only 1-2 days of high temperature.

And BTW, your porch? Looks remarkably similar to mine.

Suburban Correspondent said...

My kids cried because we didn't get snow. So did I. And Grandpa had the nerve to call us from New Jersey and complain!

painted maypole said...

being sick is no fun. hope you don't get it, too.

Antropóloga said...

Oh, poor thing!

thrice said...

Oh, I do hope that that Miss M feels better soon. And I do hope that her virus stays in your county. YIKES!

Anonymous said...

Poor little chicken, indeed. I hope the fever goes away quickly.

Melissa said...

It's not cold here. Quite the contrary, it's going to be 80 degrees tomorrow. But we've had something similar make the rounds in our house. Not fun. Hope she feels better soon. Glad my feet could make her feel better.

Life As I Know It said...

We got another 9 inches on Friday. I am DONE with snow!
Hope your little one is feeling better!

Mayberry said...

Hope she is better by now -- I am a heel for not asking.