12 December 2007

You say Lellow, I say Yellow.

She still can't say yellow.

This morning, as I was putting yellow clips in her hair, I asked her what color they were.

Her: Lellow.

Me: Why can't you say yellow? Say yes.

Her: No Mommy, I don't say that word, I say no.


Nancy said...

Mimi used to say "fut" (sounds like foot) instead of "put." Like, "I'm going to fut on my shoes." I was kind of sad when she outgrew it.

Rosie refers to blankets as "slankets." I have no idea why, but it's kind of cute. We do try to model the appropriate sounds, of course, but it's still sweet.

Mayberry said...

"I don't say that word." Is she a textbook toddler or what!?

Julia said...

Well, gotta give her credit for extreme self-awareness. And assertiveness. And you? You need a cocktail, methinks.

Life As I Know It said...

ha ha! Smart girl!

painted maypole said...

truer words never spoken. ;)

someone gave me a gingerbread house making kit yesterday, which of course made me think of your post. ;)

mom said...

That sounds like our house -- my 4 year old say yell, but still insists on lellow. What gives?

Maewen Archer said...

My son says "yellow" but always in a very tiny whisper. Other colors are at normal volume.

Neither of my children say "yes." Unless the question is "Do you want a cookie?"

She She said...

My daughter (4 y.o.) still says "aminal". I'm already mourning the day she'll start pronouncing it correctly.

BOSSY said...

Yellow is a weird word anyway. Bossy says, Who needs it?

Waiting Amy said...

Lellow sounds like some yummy lemon confection. Perfect description of the color!

I love that she said 'I don't say that word." Slays me.

Oh, and my 4 yo still says aminal too.

OhTheJoys said...

And that is FINAL! Heh.

Melanie said...

Ha! Perfect. Those little sassers.

alejna said...

That's too funny! What a clever girl.

My 21-month-old doesn't say a whole lot, but for a while she was saying "bop bop" instead of "beep beep." In response to car horns, electronic beepings, or us saying "beep beep." Then one day, she just switched over to "beep beep" and hasn't gone back to "bop."

Oh, she does say "no," also. (Though sometimes "yeah.")

Emily said...


You know, lately, I feel like I don't say "that" word either. I find myself saying "no" too often.

Love these little mother/daughter anecdotes.

Janet said...

That's a keeper!

susan said...

That is funny.

Reminds me of the time I suggested to Curious Girl that she (after a little tiff with Politica) go say something to Politica that would put a smile on Politica's face. She turned around, ran up to Politica, and said, "yes!"

I love little kid language.

Victoria said...

Aw. Lellow. I hate when they outgrown those little slips. So sweet.

flutter said...


Girlplustwo said...

i say no, too. she's my secret twin.

Anonymous said...

Well you got told didn't you?

To cute, for me. But that is because I am past that stage.

ALL I want to hear come out of my teens mouths are 'I say NO!'



Anonymous said...

She says 'fadder' for 'father' and I will be sad when she stops saying it.

Hello mudder, hello fadder.

Long live the eternal 'no!'

Beck said...

My kids - likely all three of them - have an inherited speech disorder and so I'm just used to people talking like that now. You mean it's not actually lellow?

thirtysomething said...

Oh, I love the little things kids say, the ways their little mouths can't quite get it right.

niobe said...

She is wise beyond her years.

Val Cox said...

oh that's classic, very funny!

Julie Pippert said...

LOL! Classic!!

Even my six year old can't say some things quite. The three year old gets hung up fairly regularly, but has begun saying (and it cracks me up), "I no know how to name that!"

Using My Words

Emily said...

Yep. We were three around here before we got that word down. I feel sorry for girls named "Yael." They are three before they can say their own names...

The Library Lady said...

The "y" and the "th" sounds DO come late. But the "I don't say that word" shows how well those little wheels inside are spinning...

Jenn said...

'no'...heh. who teaches them that one, anyway?