18 November 2007

Wonderful Women Who Hit the Mark

It's prize season again! Maybe it's because all the NaBloPoMo participants (6152 last I looked) are looking for easy content. After all, posting EVERY SINGLE DAY starts to feel like a millstone around the neck.

I've gotten two prizes recently. BLC, a feisty person of the female persuasion, gave me the "Wonderful Women of the Web" prize (originated by Marci). And I am tickled to pass it on to Alejna, because she's cool and smart, and also of the female persuasion.

And the lovely and funny Jessica of Oh, The Joys gave me the Splat, also known as "Blogging That Hits The Mark". That one I'd like to give to Emily of Wheels on the Bus - who writes beautifully of her dysfunctional family, and her functional one.


flutter said...

congrats on the award!

painted maypole said...

congrats! :)

Julie Pippert said...

Congrats on two well-deserved awards!

Using My Words

Suz said...

Congratulations! And I love the "splat"!

S said...

congratulations, lady!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you!

Girlplustwo said...

Alejna is good people. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Yea! Congrats!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Congrats (don't forget the little people). *wink*

alejna said...

Thanks so much for the lovely gift, Magpie. It means a lot coming from such a Wonderful Woman of the Web as yourself. I'm tickled, too. Or I'm ticklish. One or the other.

I agree that Emily of Wheels on the Bus is a great choice for the splat award.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards! They are fabulous!

susan said...

well, you are just racking up the bloggy prizes these days. And well-deserved they are, too.

Marci said...

Congratulations! I am having fun seeing where the award is going, and it is clear that you are very deserving! I look forward to visiting again soon :)