06 November 2007

Grammar Woes

I got an email from someone that read, in part, as follows:

...brought to my tension the error on the...

Um, that should have been attention. The scary thing? He's the principal of a public school.


Isis said...

I have enountered any number of errors that have brought to my tension.....

Girlplustwo said...

the epitome of a Freudian slip.

Julie Pippert said...

Or maybe you mean principle. It's hard to say, depends on the state of the Capit---is that O? or A? LOL

For me, it's formal business letters with "irregardless" and "Joe Ducayne and Myself will be heading up that project."



Using My Words

Sunshine said...

See, all you're doing now is ADDING to his tension! lol


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the school needs to invest in a dictionary.

flutter said...

That error made that person very tense

Anonymous said...


Victoria said...

Yikes. Errors in school paperwork drive me nuts!

MadMad said...

Oh! I hate "myselfers" too, like Julie said. But my favorite was the teacher who sent out menus with "raisons" as the snack.

Hey, also - love the separate blogroll idea... can I copy?

Magpie said...

Raisons as in raison d'ĂȘtre?

Bill Braine said...

I know someone who, to all intensive purposes, doesn't know that the phrase is "to all intents and purposes."

Julia said...


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

why am i not suprised but yet so amused? now i wonder if anyone corrected the poor guy?

Aliki2006 said...

I always *wince* when I get notes and correspondence from Liam's school--so many error...ugh.

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous! I'm so going to start saying that "___ has been brought to my tension."

Janet said...

Ooh I was going to make a joke about him being tense but I'm late to the party. Again.

Katie Zeller said...

I suppose he could blame it on spell check....but what on earth did he type in to get THAT correction?

thrice said...

OMG, how do you read my blog? Unless of course, you find pleasure in how many errors I make. Yikes. LOL.