03 October 2007

SCHIP Vetoed

Well, he did it, he vetoed the children's health bill.

He'd said previously that he would veto it, because it would be a step “down the path to government-run health care for every American.”

And, really, what's wrong with that?

I tend not to air my political laundry here, but this is something that really rankles me. This country SHOULD have single-payer universal health coverage. And maybe this children's insurance business would have been a small move in that direction. MomsRising (with help from MoveOn) is organizing rallies tomorrow evening, to try and get the 20 House votes needed to overturn the veto. I'm going to try and go.


Anonymous said...

ohferchrissakes. You'd think health insurance for kids would be a political slam dunk. Outrageous, indeed.

Girlplustwo said...

when will it ever stop?

Maewen Archer said...

What is the matter with him? Gah.

thirtysomething said...

wish I was there to go too. I am SO behind this health plan, and of course he vetoed it. What else really did we expect the lunatic to do? Why is it that the US can't learn a little something from other countries in this respect, I often ask myself. I see nothing wrong with government health plan, nothing indeed.
Good luck to us all.

Robbin said...

Preach it sister. I am SO with you.

Aliki2006 said...

I'm going to try and do something about this veto, too.

It's sickening.

Janet said...

We often complain, in Canada, about long wait times and doctor shortages. I'm thankful for our universal healthcare coverage, though. It means nobody gets left behind.

Suz said...

I read about this for the first time today on a blog written by moms for Jonathan Edwards.

As Aliki said, this veto is sickening. Health coverage makes all the difference, especially for kids. It really, really does.

Furrow said...

Seriously, though. Why does he hate us all so much? Except for embryos. Embryos he loves. And I love embryos, too, but I feel they still have value after they're born.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sick about this.

What can you do with a president who probably think that God is the only health insurance anyone would ever need?

nonlineargirl said...

I knew I liked you! The SCHIP thing is just the tip of the Bush is a jerk iceberg.

Anonymous said...

I too am so convinced that our government will do a great job collecting the money, investing it and paying it out properly to those that really need it. More government is the answer, after all.

I can't wait to get that big pay out from social security from all of the hundreds of thousands I have paid in over the years...when I can afford to retire.
It is not that I am against healthcare--but do you truly trust the boobs in Washington to do what is best for you?

Bea said...

That quote just gives me chills. (Not the good kind.)

niobe said...

I sometimes feel like my capacity for outrage has been completely exhausted.

Anonymous said...

I don't even live in the US and this seriously pissed me off. Ugh. The next president is going to have a serious mess to clean up.

Sharon L. Holland said...

I haven't admitted this online before, but I am a registered Republican, and the veto still pissed me off. How does anybody justify not giving kids healthcare? Especially when a source of funding has already been identified? Ack.