25 October 2007

13 Ways of Looking at a(n) _____*

The constraint of Thursday Thirteen appeals to me - and I find myself constructing odd lists in spare moments.

  1. It is crunchy.
  2. It is indented.
  3. It is juicy.
  4. It is nutritious.
  5. It is past.
  6. It is portable.
  7. It is potential.
  8. It is prophylactic.
  9. It is round.
  10. It is sweet.
  11. It is tempting.
  12. It is versatile.
  13. It is waiting.

So. What is it? Tiny prize to the first person to guess right.

(*with many, many apologies to Wallace Stevens)


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Are you a poet Magpie? Is it a blackbird?

Unknown said...

Going with my first instinct here and saying apple...but some just seem odd for that. Can't wait to find out the answer.

Cecily R said...

I'm with Sassy on the apple, but the prophylactic thing...I need the answer!!! You can whisper it to me. I won't tell!

S said...

apple, i think.

OhTheJoys said...

Oh, apple my apple. I just ate thee.

Julie Pippert said...

Apple guess here too. I am all appled up here.

Using My Words

Awesome Mom said...


painted maypole said...

sigh. i think apple, too, although I would like to vote something more original.

Anonymous said...

Apple. But damn, I'm too late...

Janet said...

I'm thinking not apple because you said, 'It's past' and apples are so in season right now.


I'm thinking maybe it's a vegetable. Is it a sweet pepper? Not exactly round, but I stand behind my decision.

Anonymous said...

I still say apple, and it's prophylactic because it keeps the doctor away!

susan said...

I was thinking apple even before I realized I was in an appley chorus.

Anonymous said...

I thought orange because of the indented thing, but oranges aren't crunchy. Well, unless you get some different oranges where you are. Hmm. Crunchy. What's crunchy? You don't mind if I think out loud, do you? Wallace Stevens. Hmm. A pear?

niobe said...

I'm trying and failing to think of anything other than an apple, but as someone else said, apples aren't entirely past.

Bea said...

It was "prophylatic" that gave it away. (But I don't get "past.")

Jen said...

Am I the only one who doesn't get how an apple is prophylactic? Gah! What is it??

Magpie said...

Okay - APPLE! I guess I wasn't opaque enough. Huh.

So - Sassy Lucy gets a little prize - email me your address!

Mayberry answered the prophylactic question.

As to "past" - apples, in their reproductive capacity, being fruits and all, hold the past (their forebears) within their seeds.

dawn224 said...


dawn224 said...

Hee, I should read the comments first :)

Anonymous said...
