01 September 2007

Making Books

My sister-in-law sent along this link to a new blog at the San Francisco Center for the Book. It's just begun, but it's got some great ideas for making books with kids. So, it's my public service announcement for the day, and for the beginning of the new school year. Enjoy!


Maewen Archer said...

Oh, my daughter is going to love some of those! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Back to school time. There is such a time of new beginnings. Nice link.

painted maypole said...

wow, I could spend hours on that page... too cool! thanks!

Scribbit said...

How fun, I'll definitely check it out!

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Cool! I have emailed the link to my friends with kids. They're all crafty, no-TV families, so I am sure they will love it.

My aunt is a book designer, and we went together to an exhibit of Art Books at the Getty Museum out in LA. It was really amazing to see the non-linear ways the artists used to put the books together, and yet they were still recognizably books. I'm a book dork. Like Captain Jean Luc Picard, I will always have books, no matter how technology changes. And whenever we travel, I have to go to the biggest library around-- like the British Library, which was the highlight of my London honeymoon!

Cathy said...

Thank you magpie and teryn and motherpie and painted maypole and scribbit and bipolarlawyercook for your kind words about Teacher Features.

I'm new to blogging so I'm just getting acquainted with the notion that I've gotta contribute comments to elicit comments.

If it's okay with you, I'll add your names to the list of recipients for periodic email notices about what's new at Teacher Features.

And let me know about your bookmaking adventures with kids!