21 September 2007


Mad Hatter requested kitsch a while ago. How's this, Mad? It's the cabinet in our downstairs bathroom. One of those sets of "teeth" is mine, and the other is W.'s - because yes, we both needed crowns a couple of years ago. And what else are you going to do with the Farmer's Almanac but put it in the bathroom? I think it's some kind of law.

I had a lot of orthodonture as a child. The orthodontist, a sadistic man named Morris, had a whole wall of tightly-spaced narrow glass shelves full of plaster casts of other children's teeth. I can still remember what it felt like to bite down into the u-shaped trough of goo, which hit so far back in the mouth that it was impossible not to gag. And then the rubber bands and wax and pain and retainers...not fun, not fun at all. W. never had to go to the orthodontist. I hope that Miss M. has inherited his teeth and not mine.

She likes to play with the plaster teeth in the bathroom cabinet. Not a squeamish child, no not at all.


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

That shelf IS my shelf. Oh except MINUS the teeth of course. Magpie, that is downright hilarious.

flutter said...


My mother would adore you

S said...

Ahh, the torture chamber that was the orthodontist. I'm right there with you. And now Ben is enduring much of the same. Turns out things haven't changed much orthodontically in twenty-five years.

Love the bathroom!

Anonymous said...

I've had crowns, but I never got to have a plaster cast of my teeth. I feel shafted!

I hope that your daughter escapes having to see a sadistic orthodontist. I've escaped orthodontia myself, but not due to any merits of my teeth. (They are still crooked. But my life isn't too much the worse for it.)

Maewen Archer said...

Oh my ... that's great.

MadMad said...

Oh, my god the goo stuff - remember how it used to shove way back into your throat and make you want to gag, and then the smell! Oh! Your eyes would water...

Hey - thanks for the memories, buddy. :)

niobe said...

And it's so nicely color-coordinated...

OhTheJoys said...

I have seen a lot of the response posts about this and I believe the teeth win.

Katie Zeller said...

The thought of biting into that goo makes me want to run and scratch a blackboard.....

Awesome Mom said...

I have always wanted molds of my teeth. It seems such a shame that they get thrown away.

Mayberry said...

I am really quite charmed by the his-n-hers teeth.

painted maypole said...

how are the shelves in any cabinet in your house so clean and spacious? I am jealous

Julie Pippert said...

That's awesome...love the teeth!

Using My Words

Tabba said...

oh, the molds....i remember doing that for my orthodontic work.
horrible experience. the whole thing.

Jennifer said...

I never had to deal with an orthodontist, but I have huge fears of dentists in general. I have to have cavities filled next week. THAT should be interesting.

Blue Zebra said...

:D (this is my huge smile for your post and the teeth and the almanac and...you!) Thanks for the grins and giggles! :D


Aliki2006 said...

Oooohhhh plaster teeth! How incredibly kitchsy--really! I too love how they are his and hers teeth, that's just perfect.

Mad said...

Argh, so late to the party. Sorry but I try not to blog on the weekends which means I play a lot of catch up Sunday and Monday nights.

Now that's kitsch if ever I saw it. I never needed an orthodontist but I do have countless fillings. I swear my teeth grew in rotten.

Antropóloga said...

I had a ton of dental work. I bet my mom has all my old teeth casts. Although my baby teeth were stolen in a burglary many years ago. Did they think they were pearls?