22 June 2007


I like words. Nothing pleases me more than winning arguments about words. Our wedding invitation had a dictionary definition for marriage on it (the combination of the king and queen of the same suit, as in pinochle). Alas, our dictionary is still in a box – where it’s been since we moved nearly three years ago! Someday we’ll have bookcases and the dictionary will be returned to its place of honor.

Anyway. Mother Reader has a link to an entertaining vocabulary quiz. My score was 78%. What’s yours?


  1. I like words too. There's a joke (but it's actually pretty close to being true) in my mother's family that we can't get through a meal without consulting the dictionary at least once.

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    81%. My husband and I have lovely arguments over the meanings of things. Really, by now he should know better.

    Liz (Mystery Mommy posting from Nearby U.)

  3. i started and then you know, got intimidated. i'm a quitter.

  4. 93%. But, as I said at MR's site, I object to several of the definitions. I want to know who made the quiz!

  5. 81%--but I agree, some odd definitions in there.

  6. 71% - I hang my head in shame.

  7. 80%.

    But I too think it's not a well-constructed quiz.

    Still, it was fun!

    PS No black clothing for me!
    PPS Same grandmother.

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    We too love our dictionary, but apparently I need to consult it more frequently. It was shocking to me how many of those words I recognized and thought "Oh, I know this one!" only to find out I didn't. Bah.

  9. Eek. 67% -- but I switched to decaf this morning, so maybe that's what wrong :) I thought some of the definitions were a little weird, too.

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    82% ...but I stopped after 25 questions. 100 was just too many!


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