The final paragraph is a quote from Taguba, an appalling indictment of the state of affairs, all the more resonant for its source:
“From the moment a soldier enlists, we inculcate loyalty, duty, honor, integrity, and selfless service,” Taguba said. “And yet when we get to the senior-officer level we forget those values. I know that my peers in the Army will be mad at me for speaking out, but the fact is that we violated the laws of land warfare in Abu Ghraib. We violated the tenets of the Geneva Convention. We violated our own principles and we violated the core of our military values. The stress of combat is not an excuse, and I believe, even today, that those civilian and military leaders responsible should be held accountable.”
I don't know how long that New Yorker link will last, but the whole piece is worth reading.
That's interesting that you note the author. I never pay attention to authors in the New Yorker--maybe the life of the fancy intellectual NYC writer seems so far apart from mine.